This is spike, he is possibly the most precious thing I own.
When I was younger I had spike, spike was the main plush in my life and I loved him very dearly. One day, somehow I lost spike, proceeded to move houses and wonder in the back of my mind where he was, assuming he was in storage having gotten jumbled up in the move to the new house.
I begin middle school and a severe depression seems to rule my life constantly, I have few friends, my parents fight constantly because of my fathers drinking, he has an accident on the highway and is sent to rehab, I keep to myself and begin the desperate search for things from my childhood to help me through this time.
I have what I call a "Tantrum" and begin crying and screaming,imagine how mourners following a coffin scream in hysteria, it was that kind of noise, not souly for spike, other things plagued my little mind, not just normal middle school things but also the feeling that I was not helping prevent large problems (pollution, starvation etc..).
I have this kind of tantrum during testing times and FCAT, all the while wanting to clutch the plush which meant so much to me. I was unsuccessful in finding him until this year, I found him on Ebay for around 30 dollars,my mom and dad who had seen over the corse of the last few years how I longed for him back purchased him for me.
I was very lucky to be reunited with the toy that meant so much to me, even if he is not my original Spike.