by SetsunaKou » Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:00 pm
I believe my oldest plush that I still have is my sheep/lamb plushie, purchased for me by my grandmother, who wanted to buy us remembrance gifts, and was visiting from overseas at the time, when we all went to the big mall together. I was 5 or 6 at the time, and there is a story that goes with this sheep!
We found her in one of those 'variety' stores in the mall, without any tags, pushed behind a bunch of other novelty gifts but I fell in love with her at first sight. There was only one of her, and they didn't even know what to charge, since she had no tags at all!
But finally, my grandmother was able to purchase her and I happily carried the sheep in my arms through the mall!
At one point, when we were about to leave, I was holding my dad's hand with one hand and my sheep in the other, when a mother and a similarly aged little girl passed us.....
And the girl grabbed my sheep! She just kept going for about twenty-thirty feet. I'm a 'freeze silent' type of person, even then, so I didn't even shriek or cry or anything but just stopped short and pointed helplessly! That's when my dad realized what had happened and he called out to the woman that her kid took my sheep plush, and that's when the mother realized her child had stolen my plushie right out of my hand!
Well, that mother promptly grabbed her kid, and smacked her hard, which caused the grabby hands girl to wail and wail and refuse to hand over my plush! The mother kept yelling and smacking her, finally managing to wrestle my plush from the girl! Then the mother came back, returned my sheep to me, and apologized profusely to my father and I.
I was only 5 or 6, but I can remember this all so clearly, even how the mall looked, what time of day it was, etc. I guess I do especially since there was such a kerfuffle about it! My own mother, grandmother and little sister were about 10 steps ahead of us and were just shocked by the whole scenario!
The sheep plushie is about 31-32 years old now, and definitely shows her age, but I still think of this and my sweet grandmother, every time I look at her.