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Obitsu/Hujoo hybriding questions

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Obitsu/Hujoo hybriding questions

Postby MorbidNeeds » Thu May 17, 2018 5:20 pm

I wasn't sure where to post this, and if it is placed wrongly please do move it.

To the question at hand; I have a Hujoo Wings boy whom I'd like to hybridise and put his head on an Obitsu 40cm body. His current body I'm thinking of buying an Obitsu head to put on it. Would any of this work out? I'm not all too worried about heads and bodies not entirely matching, one can always blush to match, I just need to know if it can be done.

I'm pretty new to these dolls, I don't know a whole lot of places where people go to gather information and have a chat about them, so hoping someone in here can help me out!

Any bit of info is greatly appreciated!
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Re: Obitsu/Hujoo hybriding questions

Postby K2! » Fri May 18, 2018 5:53 am

MorbidNeeds wrote:I have a Hujoo Wings boy whom I'd like to hybridize and put his head on an Obitsu 40cm body. His current body I'm thinking of buying an Obitsu head to put on it. Would any of this work out? I'm not all too worried about heads and bodies not entirely matching, one can always blush to match, I just need to know if it can be done.

I don't know much about Hujoo bodies/heads but it can probably be done. One of the easiest mounting methods for heads to Obitsu bodies is outlined in this tutorial by Mimiwoo. The head shown is a Dollfie Dream head but the overall method is the same for other brands.
The other considerations are the skin tone, which you stated you weren't worried about, and the fit between the neck and the head. On most heads there is a small concave area where the neck meets the head. You would just need to make sure it is large enough to accept the neck comfortably. With the relative similarity in body size it should probably be fine.
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