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removing a spot of paint....

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removing a spot of paint....

Postby quidam » Tue May 03, 2011 6:03 am

Okay, so I started my girl last night. For the most part I am pleased with my start, but I have a couple of imperfections that I would like to be able to fix. The one that is bugging me the most is in the corner crease of her lips. The right side came out perfect, but on the left side a little of the paint got in the wrong place. In the crease section I was trying to get the upper lip only to give the illusion of a smile, but on the left side I got a small amount on the bottom. It doesn't look horrible, but I would like to fix it somehow. Most imperfections I can live with, but this one bothers me.

Is there a way to remove a spot of paint without having to redo everything? Can it be taken off without removing the initial seal coat that's underneath? Would a small paint brush dipped in remover work? (being in a crease I'm not certain how else to get to it....)Or, due to the location, would I have better luck by trying to mix some paint to match the original resin color and just dab it in that one section? Or...?
I'd hate to have to totally redo everything all because of one tiny imperfection. I suppose I can live with it if I have to.....it's not horrible. I mean, it doesn't look like I painted her lips while blind folded with one arm tied behind my back. It just bugs me....
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Re: removing a spot of paint....

Postby DollyKim » Tue May 03, 2011 6:33 am

Can you post a picture of the problem? The only irk I can see with mixing a matching color would be seeing there is a "patch" there and being bothered by it.

The brush dipped in remover might work if the brush is small enough and not too wet. With the heads I've sculpted and paint with acrylics I've sometimes made a spot wet with water then taken a dry brush or a q-tip to soak up the water and hope it takes some of the offending color with it. I patch them with color all the time but then again their entire heads are painted.
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Re: removing a spot of paint....

Postby quidam » Tue May 03, 2011 6:56 am

Unfortunately I'm still relying on my camera phone, which doesn't take detailed enough pics to show the problem. Supposedly my real camera is on its way back to me, so if I don't figure out how to fix it in the interim, I'll get some photos up of the issue then.

But thanks for the help. You're right, not matching the paint exactly would bug me even more! I do have very tiny brushes, so that may be the way to go. Do you know: would nail polish remover work? (Please don't hit me if that's a very stupid idea!) The magic eraser worked for her original faceup removal, so I haven't bought any other cleaners or removers yet.
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Re: removing a spot of paint....

Postby DollyKim » Tue May 03, 2011 10:10 am

Nail polish remover is only for experienced people, it could harm your doll if not cleaned off quickly and properly .

Maybe taking a crumb of Magic Eraser and using that would work. I can see making a tiny scrubber with a bit of eraser and the shaft of a q-tip.
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Re: removing a spot of paint....

Postby OkamiKodomo » Mon May 09, 2011 1:17 am

If you haven't already resolved the problem, rather than using a Q-tip or a brush, you can also use a tooth-pick. Soak the end of it in some brush cleaner stuff that takes off face-ups, until the tooth-pick softens just a little bit. You can pour some cleaner into the bottle cap and gently mush the tip of the tooth-pick against the bottom until it gets a little give to it, and very very carefully wipe at the spot til it comes off. Use the other end of the tooth-pick in some clean water and wipe off the brush-cleaner. I use this method all the time when painting eyelashes, except since the paint is still wet, I just use a little water.
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