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Replacement Roger lives!

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Re: Replacement Roger

Postby DollyKim » Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:03 am

~laughs hysterically~

Roger's front end is out of alignment with his back end, the front crotch doesn't line up with his stallion bits or his back crotch. And I just spent the morning working on his body.

This means I am going to have to cut Roger in half, align his crotches, and stick him back together. Only in horse/centaur making can you say 'align his crotches'.Another option is cutting the front crotch out, shaping the front, and putting the front crotch back in. Will have to think how to go about that.
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Re: Replacement Roger

Postby DollyKim » Sun Jun 12, 2011 4:15 pm

~Lifehouse- go nukin' futz- Who's Next~

The saga of Roger and his knees trots on.

So, let's cop off the old knees, chuck the lower legs, plain down a bit of the meat at the top of the legs, figure by the time this is done half the big bucket of Apoxie Sculpt will have gone to the glue factory. Stick bits of straw on the knees for the joint and search the junk drawer for something that will work as a "pin" to hold the knees together that isn't too wide but fits in a straw. Feel like smashing something.
Wait for this to dry.

The thighs are off kilter and leaning to one side, TFB, they're staying like that. I swear, when he's done I'm entering in a best use of time in a Who related matter that doesn't involve Pictures of Lilly contest. ;) This is where my patient to a degree powers of delayed gratification must come from.
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Re: Replacement Roger

Postby DollyKim » Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:01 am


Again with the straws for the inside of the lower legs. Because the hole is in the upper leg the lower leg has the pin for the joint. I went with Q-tip shafts because I could cut them to length and it turns out they're actually pretty hard to cut. The ends of the pins are covered with Apoxie Sculpt as part of the knees. The plastic wrap is so they don't stick to the upper legs, and I've started his feet.

Can't do anything more with the horse half until this dries, then it's shaping the knee caps so they work and shaping the rest of the legs. Now to figure out how to to the human body and how many joints in the torso. There will be at least one under the ribs, not sure about at the base of the human body yet. May require more experiments.
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Re: Replacement Roger

Postby DollyKim » Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:46 pm

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Re: Replacement Roger

Postby DollyKim » Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:00 pm

Roger keeps blowing his knees. We're at the cross roads where it needs to be decided if he goes to pasture (the parts box) or I try one more time to make knees. At the moment I'm urging for the pasture, especially if the knee fix doesn't take. I'm thinking structurally they can't take the stress. True I could make his legs in a static pose but that loses a big part of the idea for this version of Roger.

Otherwise things were looking good. The tail isn't glued in yet.
More action shots http://dolfielittles.typepad.com/blog/2 ... -knee.html
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Re: The horse that didn't quite work

Postby DollyKim » Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:14 pm

RIP Roger's a$$.

First off the horse end will live on in another project. I will make the knees solid and add a head of some sort, just not now.

Everything went relatively right with this project. Had I known I was going to use doll joints for the hips I could have saved a bit of work, as well as making sure his crotches we in alignment from the get go, but as I didn't I learned how to fidge him.

What caused the down turn was trying to get the knees to work. I had the right idea. Had I done the straw socket in the upper leg with the pin in the lower leg from the beginning things would have gone better. The break in the knee happened where the old one had been cut off and the new one attached. This means there's a weakness there and it probably won't correct and allow him the movement I want. No time is wasted time and with every mistake we must surely be learning. The next attempt at a "Roger" will learn from all those who came before him and should go more smoothly.

I will now take some time to reflect and re-engineer the horse end of a centaur. I could go buy a horse end to use, but where would the fun be in that?
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Re: Replacement Roger lives!

Postby DollyKim » Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:58 am

Well well well, who would have known the glue would hold?

I used old fashioned white glue to stick RR's broken knee back together and it has held up! So what's next? I think I will make him a human half BUT it won't be permanently attached so I will have the option to put it on a more jointed horse body I hope to engineer some day. Looking at a possible change for the better in not doll events there literally might not be time to construct a new horse end at this time. I've envisioned a way to attach a human body that can then be taken off and a horse head put on at a later date.

So Replacement Roger marches on!
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Re: Replacement Roger lives!

Postby DollyKim » Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:03 pm

The start of his human body, complete with rusty nail scar.
And a start on painting his horse half.
And painting his human half.

The elbows are being done with hinge joints like the knees and a pin keeping them in place. I'm not going to be able to work out stringing with this one.
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