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Wig help

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Wig help

Postby Pleasesaveheart » Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:05 pm

I have a wig, I think it's Mohair, its poofy and wavy, and it attracts all the fuzz in the world. its tangled up and it doesn't look good.
How do I make it silky and untangled? Or is Mohair like that?
Also I have a wig that top scalp part is very rough and the ponytail is very silky smooth...how do i fix it so its the same?
I can't take pictures because camera is still missing. :?
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Re: Wig help

Postby kurosu.chan » Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:46 pm

For the mohair...I'm not sure, but I think storing it with a dryer sheet would help repel some of the lint and fuzz it attracts.
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