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Removing glue.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:27 pm
by Serif Balehawk
I have a porcelain doll. I'm stripping it down and salvaging parts. I have a nice fur jacket, some socks, a wig that looks nice but doesn't fit anything. And these beautiful blue grey eyes.

But the eyes are held in with glue! I've never seen glue like this, it looks like old white glue. But I can't chip it, peel it, wash it, even acetone is doing nothing! Anyone have an idea of how to get rid of HARD old glue, without damaging the eyes? I'd break the head, but I don't want to hurt the eyes.

Re: Removing glue.

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 1:34 pm
by OkamiKodomo
Wow, they really don't make it like they used to. Have you tried goo-gone? o.O