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Of rooting, high shipping rates and head comparisons
Mon May 30, 2011 6:56 pm
by 1/6andtinylover
Yes...another rooting question. This time from someone who is a perfectionist and is afraid to mess up. So, I realized that the head I was planning to get, the parabox neko head, was a bit too round, and the head that i was going to get as a practice head was perfect (21HD-F01N). The only problem was that they Junky Spot doesn't carry a pre rooted version....and I'm a complete newbie.....
I always could get a wig, however a simple, center part wig I have in mind would be from Parabox, in which I would have to pay for some major shipping. And they do carry a pre rooted version of the head I want. But again, $20 shipping rate for a $12 head. I could sacrifice a practice head (which would also be the head I want for my "actual" doll) to root, but something tells me that a one time practice is not going to do the job.
Nor would practicing with a Barbie head work, because I would have to get the rooting hair somewhere, quite possibly over internet, which would cost MORE (the only way I can not pay for a shipping is going to some local WalMart or something and get some hair extensions, which might not work). And seems like it takes a lot of time...
Which brings me back to the first issue, the fact that the Neko head may be a bit too round. If anyone can post a comarison head between that and the standard anime head mentioned above, that would be great. (And if I discovered that the Neko head isn't too round compared to the standard anime head, that would be so awsome.)
Re: Of rooting, high shipping rates and head comparisons
Mon May 30, 2011 7:28 pm
by Resu
While rooting is pretty straight forward and relatively easy to do, it is very difficult to get your desired result with just one try. For me, it took about three ruined heads before I started getting decent results.
Practicing with a Barbie head does help because it gives you an idea on how the plugs should go in and the spacing between each plug. I don't really recommend rooting with hair extensions because the amount you get from them ends up being a lot less than if you just went ahead and bought the rooting hair. So you'll end up spending more money than if you just bought the rooting hair online.
From experience, I noticed that the heads for the 21/23cm Obitsu are slightly larger than the ones for the 27cm bodies. As for rooting hair, depending on where you order them from, you can end up with more than enough hair for two heads. So, while it appears to be expensive, you get more rooting hair for your money.
This is my favorite place to buy rooting hair. The pricing is decent and you get more than enough for one head. I recommend going for the medium length because it's the easiest length to handle until you're more used to rooting.
Re: Of rooting, high shipping rates and head comparisons
Mon May 30, 2011 7:46 pm
by 1/6andtinylover
Thanks for the info! I just might have to set aside a day attmpting to reroot a sacrificial Barbie had that is beyond fixing. And possibly a Jenny clone who has horribly stiff neon-fuschia-pink color changing hair.
Does re rooting a doll with holes already poked in any quicker? And how does rooting human hair work? I have a batch of my own (long) hair, which has rather thin strands (well, by Asian standards).
Re: Of rooting, high shipping rates and head comparisons
Mon May 30, 2011 8:55 pm
by Resu
Rerooting a doll with holes already poked in can be done faster, though there were a few times where it took a lot longer to do. The main problem is putting enough hair in each plug so it doesn't just slide back out. XD
As for human hair, I haven't had the opportunity to try that yet. The small amount my aunt (she's a barber) gave me wasn't long enough to comfortably root, unfortunately. However, I'm afraid the strength of human hair might be weaker than the plastic doll hair, so it could be prone to snapping while you're rooting. I think there was also a forum member who advised against rooting with human hair because of the oils in the hair might not react well with the vinyl head.
Re: Of rooting, high shipping rates and head comparisons
Mon May 30, 2011 11:25 pm
by landwhale
For Parabox, you can always ask if Emory will run a preorder. That way you only pay shipping from emory to you.
Re: Of rooting, high shipping rates and head comparisons
Tue May 31, 2011 1:02 am
by Evelien
Re: Of rooting, high shipping rates and head comparisons
Tue May 31, 2011 1:08 am
by Kd_Bunchanumbers
Btw, with human hair, it has natural oils which will destroy the vinyl slowly if you root it in so, I recomend just making a wig or using synthetic hair to reroot dolls.
Re: Of rooting, high shipping rates and head comparisons
Tue May 31, 2011 8:50 pm
by kittyasauras
If you still want a comparison picture...look on that other thread that you started. The heads on bodies pictures I did, have both of those heads on it. lol
I rooted a head with yarn once. It looks different, but it's nice!
ACTUALLY, on that other thread I was talking about, that head with the blue hair? That was the head rooted with yarn.
Re: Of rooting, high shipping rates and head comparisons
Tue May 31, 2011 9:57 pm
by 1/6andtinylover
You guys are all so nice and knowledgable! Thanks again, for all the info. And I will check out Mimiwoo, and if I have some more money, I migt get some dollie hair and reroot a doll of my choice...while watching some really long movie.
Re: Of rooting, high shipping rates and head comparisons
Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:27 am
by maywong
FYI- Cat is selling dollhair. Look on sale/swap section here.
viewtopic.php?f=25&t=2729&p=26615#p26615You also may want to check this link out. It's on how to root hair. ... doll-hair/