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jewelry making question

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jewelry making question

Postby yarwel » Fri Feb 17, 2012 7:19 pm

I have read that the base metals used to make most jewelry can stain some dolls so I have two questions: Does staining only affect vinyl dolls or does it also occur on resin dolls? And second, if I use some kind of sealant (on the jewelry) will that solve the problem? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I would also appreciate any other information you would like to share.
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Re: jewelry making question

Postby magkelly » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:23 pm

I don't have resin dolls so I can't speak there but I've never had a problem with most of the bigger dolls like the ones by Tonner and I've had all sorts of jewelry long term on mine. Earrings in for several years at a time, no issues. Barbie is another story. I don't use anything metal on Barbies. I do use beads and plastic but never metal. I've had a few instances of green ear with dolls that they put metal earrings in and I just don't think it's safe. Something about Barbie material just doesn't mesh well with metal I don't think and I am not willing to risk my Barbies by putting metal on them, particularly in their ears.
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Re: jewelry making question

Postby Nunubit » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:27 pm

Some metal can stain flesh as well, like those cheap metal mood rings. If you wear them long enough they will color what they are touching green. Gold and such would be fine, but cheaper metals will probably cause problems. I do not know if sealing would help, but if you want to have them wear such jewelry, I suggest only having them wear it for a photoshoot, then having them take it off afterwards.

I think we had a similar question in a thread a while ago. I'll have to search.

Here is the thread.
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