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How do you put Neo-Guy feet on Neo-EB-Goh?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 6:54 pm
by ~TurkishDelight~
Forgive me if there is already a topic like this, I must have overlooked it if there is. :oops:
I'm wondering, how do you put Neo-Guy feet on a Neo-EB-Goh? I finally managed to get Neo-EB-Goh's feet off, but the hole in Neo-Guy's feet are too small for the ankle joint's peg to go in. I heard people often switch Neo-EB-Goh's feet to Neo-Guy's larger feet (so I bought them), but it isn't working for me. I can't even get Neo-EB-Goh's original feet back on for that matter... :? :?:

Re: How do you put Neo-Guy feet on Neo-EB-Goh?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:29 pm
by DollyKim
Try heating the foot up in hot water and popping the peg in. Nuke a small bowl of water for a minute in the microwave then put the foot in for a few seconds. Take out the foot and hold in place with a pot holder and push the peg in. Allow to cool to room temperature.

With the Gohs I aways split the ankle ball in half so I don't break the ankle peg, can't replace that. The feet on the top came on the Goh, on the bottom are optional feet I bought.

Re: How do you put Neo-Guy feet on Neo-EB-Goh?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:50 pm
by ~TurkishDelight~
Thank you for your help. I will try this. :P

EDIT: Thanks so much. It worked! :D