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How to make a 1/6 tree

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How to make a 1/6 tree

Postby maywong » Thu Dec 25, 2014 5:16 pm

For people who need a 1/6 tree. I am going to walk you through the steps.

1st- Find one of those fake plants in a wicker basket. You can find these in thrift store, rummage sale, garbage, etc.

http://www.walmart.com/ip/6-ft.-Sakaki- ... e/21634325

2nd- Saw off the base of trunks from the wicker pot.

3rd- Take off the extra small branches from one of the trunks. This makes the tree fuller.

4th- Drill hole into trunk and insert and glue the extra small branches.

5th- Cut all the leafs in half.

6th- Start shaping the leaves into small oval, raindrop or any other leaf shape.

7th- Save all the cut off leaves. Remove the plastic stems on the back. You are going to use these as your extra leaves.

8th- Cut out extra leaf shapes from the left over 1/2 leafs. Hot glue onto the branches. (repeat, repeat, etc.)

9th- Cut to length

10th- Make a stand and screw into base.

You should get something like this. I still need to add more leaves.

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