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Online Fashion References

Fabric, patterns and insider knowledge. This is the place if you're too poor to pay someone else for your dollieh dresses.

Online Fashion References

Postby Greyhaunt » Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:04 pm

This thread is a place to post links to blogs, museums, or personal sites that can provide us with inspiration for our sewing projects. Why did I start this thread? Because of a blog I found the other day that is just too frigging awesome to not share!!!

http://thevintagethimble.tumblr.com/: The Vintage Thimble. OMG, what does this blog not have??? From an egyptian net beaded dress to designs by Schiarpelli, Worth and Fortuny this blog truly shows wonderful fashions from all eras. Also lots of pictures of ancient/antique jewelry to help inspire. I have spent hours looking through this blog and I'm still not finished!
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Re: Online Fashion References

Postby SillyLilPuppet » Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:06 pm

If it hadn't been for the bookmarks snafu earlier this week I'd have a ridiculous amount to contribute here... instead I'll just try to dig up what I can. This will be long, I'm a reenactor with a thing for lolita.

On Tumblr:
http://ohyeahmorigirl.tumblr.com/ Mori girl, obviously
http://dailyreenactor.tumblr.com/ Modern reenactors of all periods
http://fripperiesandfobs.tumblr.com/ Extant fashion of many periods, organized by tag. Gratuitous snark included.
http://oldrags.tumblr.com/ More extant fashion, organized by tag.
http://fuckyeahcorsets.tumblr.com/ Corsets of all kinds, male and female, extreme and not. Sometimes NSFW
http://fuckyeahvictorians.tumblr.com/ Victorian fashion, photos, and artwork
http://lolita-tips.tumblr.com/ General lolita FAQ type site, with lots of great lolita reblogs.
http://pardonmybloomers.tumblr.com/ More great lolita fashion

Its not letting me add more urls so two posts.
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Re: Online Fashion References

Postby SillyLilPuppet » Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:31 pm

General web:
http://www.costumersguide.com/ Movie costumes. Lots of historic, fantasy, etc.
http://www.costumes.org/ Bookmark this. Its got literally everything.
http://americanduchess.blogspot.com/ Historical sewing techniques, fabric choices, and fantastic shoes.
http://fyeahlolita.blogspot.com/ Some good tips, good vs bad lolita, links to more, and she's a bjd collector too!
http://hellolace.net/ Lolita brand database of sorts. Good for ideas.
http://www.stretchy.org/catsuit/ Basics of working with spandex for bodysuits, how to draft your own pattern for one.
http://thegoldenscissors.blogspot.com/ More historical costuming!
http://www.cosplaytutorial.com/ Lots of stuff on cosplay. Useful if you have an anime/comic based character doll. Plus the wig tutorials are just useful in general.

I might find more as I'm backtracking and trying to replace things. Will add them as I find them.
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