Re: 349 Troubled Waters
Mon Jan 12, 2015 12:33 am
by Greyhaunt
My my my, what a nasty little kitty we've turned out to be. I suppose whacking her on the nose with a newspaper won't do much good, will it?
Re: 349 Troubled Waters
Mon Jan 12, 2015 11:57 am
by zirconmermaid
OMG Now I want to see the kitty whacked with a newspaper! I can just imagine it! Farnsworth holding a paper and the kitty holding her nose! Hahahahahahahahahaha!
Re: 349 Troubled Waters
Mon Jan 12, 2015 1:50 pm
by Trethowan
I vote for a spray bottle. XD
Re: 349 Troubled Waters
Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:46 pm
by Swan
Years and years ago, I had two cats, Phantom and Taffy. They were good kitties but sometimes they would claw the furniture get up where they were not permitted, et-cetera...
I ALSO had a Wham-O Air Blaster! If you've never heard of it, Google is your friend, but a short description for readers now....
The Wham-O Air-Blaster was made by Wham-O Toys (BEST corporate name EV-VER!) and was a sort of "gun" with a diaphragm that you pulled back with a pumping action, and released with a trigger... as you pumped, the diaphragm would expand backward, drawing air into the chamber. When released, it would blow a puff of air for quite some distance. Around five to ten feet. POOF!!
That Air Blaster was the PERFECT kitty disciplining tool! Phantom clawing the couch? POOF! Right up the backside from a safe distance of six feet away! Taffy knocking stuff off the mantel again? POOF! Cat neutralized!
Eventuaklly (actually rather swiftly) they associated the Wham-O Air Blaster with the ball of air and the instant... the nanosecond they caught sight of it... >gone!< Heeheehee. No wet spray bottle, no needing to get close enough to whack them... just brandish the Fiendish Device and peace at last!