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The BJD Boys In My Home

Tales of love, death and more angst than you can shake a stick at - plus some comedy thrown in for good measure.

The BJD Boys In My Home

Postby takahirokumiko » Mon Dec 01, 2014 8:07 pm

Not all of them are mine, of course. Three of them belong to my mom, but seeing as how I was taking pictures anyway, I grabbed hers as well.


Akane was a birthday/Christmas gift, mostly bought by my ex-stepmother. He's the only one that has had a custom face-up so far, and it was done by the lovely Kiki-chan78. He's also the one that has given me the most heart attacks. As most know, he did not turn out to be the character that I had planned him to be, but instead, my story kind of changed to revolve around the character he became.

I bought Kharis as a congratulations for graduating high school to be Akane's big brother. He is, at least so far, my only SD, and he probably will be for a good while yet. He's my royal pain, but I love him anyway...even if he spends most of his time glaring at me. Actually, he's the one who's been closest to the character he was based off of. At first, it seemed like he was going to be shy and sweet. Nope! XD He's the one who travels with me the most when I bring a doll.


Torie was my first non-Junkyspot doll purchase. I actually was going to get the Bory, but the Ani was more like the character I intended him to be. He is close to the character, but he's got his own little quirks. He tends to have moments that are similar to his father, Kharis, but for the most part, he's an adorable little boy.

Reggie is my second hand doll from Janeway. He's gone through a few names, and there was a point where I thought he and I weren't going to bond. However, after he took the name Reggie, we have make great progress. He is not one to compromise in anything as I found out when I tried to replace the poorly made wig he currently is wearing and the dull blue eye he has. Like Akane, he became his own character, and he had to be incorporated into the story.


Sascha (the little one) was my mother's first doll. She loved Akane and eventually Kharis and wanted one of her own. She had been looking through the Junyspot sight, and she took one look at him. He was the one, and he came home. What she didn't realize at the time was that he would take on a persona of an Uchiha from the show Naruto. XD

Christian came not long after, less than a year, because she wanted a bigger doll. His character was based loosely on Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII. However, he is one of the more versatile characters in the family.


Korin is the newest member in our household, and he was my mother's 'take one look and press add to cart' buy. The one thing I can say about him is that he likes to attack you. He's kicked me, and he headbutted me when I told him I wasn't afraid of him because I had Kharis. He also likes to show off his legs.
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the walls have dolliehs
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