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You busy?

Tales of love, death and more angst than you can shake a stick at - plus some comedy thrown in for good measure.

You busy?

Postby Serif Balehawk » Sun Feb 13, 2011 6:19 pm

Ringmaster: You know, being dead kind of sucks. It's a lot of waiting.

Ringmaster: I mean, you know you'll be around forever, so there's really nothing to do. And when something comes along, the sense of waiting just DRAGS!

Ringmaster: I was alive for what, twenty years maybe? I don't remember. But I've been dead for well over a thousand. Time just kind of seems to pass, blink and you've missed a decade or so. But these last three months, with promise of a new body to reside in, it's like it can't come soon enough! Does that make me impatient?

Ringmaster: I guess that's what excitement is all about! Nothing to do, time doesn't matter. Something to look forward to, and you start counting down the seconds!

Ringmaster: UGH! BODY! Get here SOON!

Kiba: Hey Ringo!
Ringmaster: Ugh, you. My name is not Ringo, I do not play drums.

Kiba: Yeah yeah yeah, whatever. Anyway.
Ringmaster: You're hopeless.

Ringmaster: WOAH! TOO CLOSE!
Kiba: So, whuchu doing for Valentine's day?

Ringmaster: That's none of your business. Get out of my face!
Kiba: Ringy, do you have someone special?

Ringmaster: No, yes, I don't know. What's it to you?
Kiba: I wish I had someone special for Valentine's day. Someone to cuddle with, and eat with, and have a nice day with.
Ringmaster: And you're telling me this why?

Kiba: Ring, how about we be each other's "someone special" for Valentine's day?
Rinmaster: Not on your life. Fist, I'm dead. If Serif finds out about you being into Necro he'll have both our heads. Second, you're too tall, I'm supposed to be taller than you. Third, you're a self-centered jerkwad, there's no way I'd ever be interested in anyone like you.

Kiba: It's totally innocent, it's just so we can trade like candy and stuff. No lovey dovey, just as friends?
Ringmaster: Absolutely not. Get out of my face.

Kiba: So I'll see you at eight?
Ringmaster: Dumb as a stone. Hey, how'd you push me off MY pillow?!


Note: there's nothing going on between these two, Kiba's just being a jerk to Ring, pushing his buttons. And he wanted Ring's pillow.
Serif Balehawk

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