Rue has returned from PA Ren Faire! She's raving about it to Mizuki, Persea, and Xalez.Rue: It was great! There were so many people and amzing things to see. There were some hilarious comedy acts too!
Persea: I wish we could've gone, it sounds like fun.
Me: I can't take everyone ;^;
Mizuki: There's always next year. We can all take turns.
Xalez: ...I'd like to go...
Me: Maybe I'll take you along with Mizuki.
Xalez: ...Kay...
Rue: And these guys in costume picked me up and said "We're all gonna die!" I don't get it, how was everyone going to die? And another said I really scared her. I'm not scary!
*others laughing*
I...I apparantly made her scary ._.Rue: What's so funny?
Rue: Well anyway, Cat brought us back this realy nice rabbit fur pouch!
Mizuki: ooooh! But nothing else?
Persea: *snickers*
Mizuki: Pffft haha, it's ok. Hey, lemme feel that.
Persea: Were there dashing knights?
Me: Uhh... we mostly saw 'jesters'... and some suggestive singers. We didn't see the joust this time.
Persea: But you've seen it before? Are the knights *blush* cute?
Me: Omg there was one security guy in a kilt! I wish I took a picture. He was so cute!
Xalez: Kilt...?
Me: It's a man's "skirt".
Xalez: ...
Me: uh....what are you doing anyway?
Xalez: Looking at my hand.
Me: ...Right...
Mizuki: It's so soft!
Persea: Omigosh it is!
Xalez: ...Soft...
Rue: You know, I was constantly mistaken for a fairy. But that's okay, I just wish they understood I wasn't some scary demon!