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#25 Murder of the Tree

Tales of love, death and more angst than you can shake a stick at - plus some comedy thrown in for good measure.

Re: #25 Murder of the Tree

Postby Greyhaunt » Thu Dec 13, 2012 9:51 am

my, this thread has gone...ahem...south, hasn't it hahahahahaha

Soooooo, I take it Santa had to hire new help after the tree wars eh?
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Re: #25 Murder of the Tree

Postby Trethowan » Thu Dec 13, 2012 12:11 pm

Greyhaunt wrote:my, this thread has gone...ahem...south, hasn't it hahahahahaha

Soooooo, I take it Santa had to hire new help after the tree wars eh?

:lol: :lol: :lol: Yep, after the War of the Branches which caused the Wretched Decimation of 214 A.O. (After Oracle) the elf population had dwindled to near extinction. They were given shelter in the land of a newly unified Eolande but the Great Fee, Foster's g-g-g-g-grandfather forced them all into slavery making non-wooden toys. It was pretty brutal. They had to learn to make toys out of clay and let me tell you those elves were not good sculptors. Fairy children everywhere cried. So, Santa had to fire them and found some elves up in the North Pole on Earth. THOSE elves could use wood since the trees didn't talk back and the rest is history. Without a taskmaster the elves of Eolande ended up house elves and servants. It wasn't until Foster Fee's little armed rebellion that elves had a voice in Eolande. Foster lost the war, apartheid between all the races remains intact, and the elves still can't sculpt worth a darn. So, I have to wonder what's so darn special about elves that a selfish brat like Foster would even care?

True story. :ugeek:
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