8. A Woman's work is never done
Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:25 pm
Bohdan stopped and turned.
"Morning Kirscha. Did you sleep well? Hope I didn't wake you, but I just wanted to get a head start on these windows."
"No you didn't wake me, but you certainly gave me a fright. You're not wearing a safety harness and it's a very long way down were you to slip."
"Fret not. I can be down in an instant." And then he was.
"Oh! I need to get used to your ways." He chuckled.
He then showed her the damage that needed repair on the window sill.
Kirscha inspected it, grateful for his knowledge.
He explained about the materials that were needed while she listened with great interest.
They discussed the damaged lintel and missing front door.
"So you think it would be better to replace it all after removing the outer and inner frames?"
"Yes, as it would make for a much better finish and perfect fit." He wanted to do a good job and keep his reputation for excellent workmanship.
"Then that is what will be done. I have complete faith in you, Bohdan."
"Thank you, Kirscha."
continued in next post...