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Kitty cat PJ's

Tales of love, death and more angst than you can shake a stick at - plus some comedy thrown in for good measure.

Kitty cat PJ's

Postby roguewolf128 » Sun Apr 10, 2011 1:21 pm

My first photo story, with my first BJD, Victoria Grey, hope you like it!

Me: Hay, hay sleepy head, wake up!
Victoria: I'm awake! I'm awake!
Me: Good, so how do you like your new home?
Victoria: It's better than that stupid box.
Victoria:But the weird thing is as soon as I was un-boxed you had cloths for me... The right size and every thing.
Me:Ya, so?
Victoria:You don't use patterns, and I'm your first BJD.
Me: Uhhhhhhh...
Me: Here's a good luck cat!
Victoria: OMG! Too cute...and he has a little jingle bell!
Victoria: Hay! You're trying to distract me with an awesome Japanese kitty!
Me: Dam! It works on American tourists...
Victoria: Now, about the clothes...
Me: Yes, the clothes...*cough* secret twin sister *cough* Oh look a sumo Domo-Con!
Victoria:What about...*distracted by Domo-Con* Yay! Domo-Con!
Victoria: Wait what were we talking about again?
Victoria: Ya, that sounds right.
The end?

Whew, dodged that bullet for now, more stories on the way(hopefully) Thanks for looking!
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Re: Kitty cat PJ's

Postby EAB » Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:13 pm

She really is lovely.
When you mentioned a cat, I thought the next shot would be a live kitteh intruding on the photo shoot. They love doing that.
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Re: Kitty cat PJ's

Postby chiyoyama » Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:59 pm

lol nice....
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