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Dad's finally home!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:55 pm
by catshem
Me: So how do you feel about having your husband finally home?
Mizuki: There's so many emotions at once, I can't sort them all out.
Me: Your dress is a nice gift huh?
Mizuki: I-I *blush* I'm not used to such finery.
Gabriel: Well, aren't you going to give your father a hug?
Blade: *sob* I-I i'mabigboy! I don't...*sob* YES!
Blade: *uncontrollable sobbing* I love you daddy!
Gabriel: I stayed away too long.
Blade: I MISSED YOU SOhoohohoo muuhuhuhuch!*sniffle*
Me: ...Note to self, give Blade a child body...
Mizuki: Oh dear, look at Blade.
Me: Yeah, poor kid lost it. Hey Gabriel! Come smooch yer wifey!
Mizuki: What?! *blushblushblush*
Me: Geeze Blade, you really lost it there.
Blade: I AM NOT CRYING. Get the camera off of me!
Me: Geeze, okay...
Mizuki: ..Oh...
Gabriel: Has it been hard without me?
Mizuki: N-no... we've managed but... we have missed you.
Mizuki: D-don't be away too long again, I couldn't bear it.
Gabriel: I wont, I promise.
Gabriel: I love you.
Mizuki: I love you.
Blade (off in the corner, still crying): *loud sniffle*
Mizuki: Come over here Blade.
Me: Oh sweet Jesus, I need tissues over here!
*Big Family Hug*

I'm not going to lie, this Ken doll.. I have a hard time keeping a straight face with. He's modeled after a romance novel character so his build is kind of ridic, but he was the best fit for Gabriel.

Re: Dad's finally home!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:08 pm
by Lamia of the Dark
lol, I see what you mean about him acting like a kid :lol:

Re: Dad's finally home!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:20 am
by Princess_Sarah_Em
Aww that was so cute. Blade missed his daddy.

Re: Dad's finally home!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:54 am
by maywong
Very cute. I love your Ken doll. (I have one too)