Link to Chapter 9: Monkey Wrench
October 1st; a rainy day in the Doll House.
Bonnie: *sigh*
Umka: Okay...what's going on, Bonnie?
Bonnie: I'm sad....I miss my friends!
Umka: You mean your friends from school?
Bonnie: NO! They were MEAN! I miss my friends in San Francisco! I miss Pinky! I miss Omi.
Umka: You miss OMI???? Isn't he a mean little.....
Bonnie: No, he was really fun!!! And Pinky was so nice. I miss Pinky most of all...even though she never said anything. What're you doing, Uncle Umka?
Umka: Just hanging out on Junky Spot.
Bonnie: What's a Junky Spot? Can I hang out on there with you?
Umka: It's a place where you can buy stuff...and actually I'm kind of busy. Why don't you find something to do for a while and then I'll play a game with you later. Okay?
Bonnie: Maybe I'll go outside for a while....
Umka: Yeah...whatever....that sounds good....