Elliot's trip to the office
Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:25 am
E: Thanks for letting me visit today.
FG: No problem.
E: Can I ask you a question?
FG: Of course!
E: What's with all the Snickers?
FG: Oh, I was ghosted last night. It's something my coworkers do in the fall. You ghost someone by putting candy and a little picture of a ghost up at their desk. Then that person has to do the same for someone else who hasn't gotten a ghost yet.
E: That's friendly.
FG: Yeah. It helps make everyone a little happier.
E: Since you have sooo many Snickers though, would you mind if I had one?
FG:Sure thing. Just be careful. I'm pretty sure that thing weighs more than you do.
E: Thank you!
A little while later...
E: I...I may have *groan* miscalculated...
FG: O.O how did you even...?