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EXALTED: Episode 3: Thicker than Water (repost)

PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2010 1:43 pm
by JanetT
Based on EXALTED, an epic fantasy role-playing game by White Wolf Game Studio
Characters and story by Janet Trautvetter and Myranda Kalis Sarro

Episode 1: The Shadow Road
Episode 2: Bad News Travels Furthest and Fast
Exalted: About the Characters

And now...


Citan's childhood friends, the Sesus twins Taran and Tchiat, have recently returned home on leave from the Imperial Legions, where they have been for the past five years. Tchiat and Taran are having tea in Tchiat's room, in the apartments of their father, the honorable (retired) General Heshiko. Tchiat is reading Citan's letter.


TCHIAT: (reading aloud) "Allow me to be one of the first to welcome you back to the city. It had been so long since your last letter, I confess I had become somewhat concerned. I would be most honored if you and your brother Taran would be my guests at a small informal luncheon tomorrow (or another day, should your presence already be engaged), at my apartments in V'neef. I have news of import, and of course, as much recent court gossip as you can stand to hear, and am eager to hear any news you have to share as well…."

TARAN: "Humph! He sounds like a damned courtier now. We should have dragged him off to the Threshold with us five years ago, and kept him honest."

TCHIAT: "He probably is a damned courtier, as you put it — but he's still our Blossom, too. And we don't have anything scheduled tomorrow yet, do we? I wonder what his news of import can be?"

TARAN: "Maybe he's gotten engaged?"

TCHIAT: "No, that he would have mentioned, I'm sure. It has to be something he didn't want to put in writing. Oh! That reminds me. I have to unpack the Gateway set. Do you think he still remembers the code?"

TARAN: "Citan, forget? He's never forgotten anything in his entire life."

TCHIAT: "That's true—"

There is a knock on the door — She and Taran both rise when they recognize the visitor as their brother Ayame, and offer formal bows, for Ayame is not only their elder, but also their superior officer in the Imperial Legions, though he serves under a different commander.

AYAME: "I hope I'm not intruding—I only heard from Father this morning that you had returned from the Threshold, or I'd have been here to welcome you sooner."

TARAN: "You're always welcome, brother."

AYAME: "Then let me welcome you as a brother should—" (He gives Taran a kinsman's embrace.) "Dragons, Taran! You've gotten taller! And Tchiat…"

TCHIAT: "I know I'm not any taller."

AYAME: "Size isn't everything, little bird." (He hugs her as well.) "It's good to see you both again."

TCHIAT: "We were having some tea — please join us, Ayame."

AYAME: "Thank you, Tchia, I would like that."

TARAN: "Let me get you a cushion..."

TARAN: "I'm surprised to see you here, and out of uniform! I had heard they promoted you to Winglord! Thought you'd be with the Legion in the East…"

AYAME: "Promoted, yes. And then promptly recalled. According to General Chenow, however, there's no position open at my current rank at this time… not in any Legion of the House."

TARAN: "That's yeddim dung, Ayame. You're a sorcerer, we always need experienced officers in the special forces wings! What is she thinking!"

TCHIAT: "She's probably thinking that her nephew's bastard needs a field command under his belt in order to further her political agenda here at home. The fact that he's never been IN the field in his entire pampered life doesn't matter…"

TARAN: "You don't put a green officer in command of a whole wing, especially special forces…. That's insane."

AYAME: "Worse. It's politics. And she remembers I was not born in this house, nor am I General Heshiko's natural son."

TCHIAT: "That doesn't matter to Father. Nor to us, Ayame."

AYAME: "Thank you, little bird. And I am honored to be your brother. I've heard good things about both of you — Father had a letter from your commander, which he was proud to share with me, and any other member of the House who'd listen, I suspect."


Re: EXALTED: Episode 3: Thicker than Water (repost)

PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2010 1:54 pm
by JanetT
TCHIAT: "Letter! Oh, that reminds me! I have a letter for you, Ayame — I just didn't realize I'd get to deliver it in person!"

AYAME: "A letter for me? From whom—?"

TCHIAT: "A cousin in Port Inayashe — Tsubaru. Remember him?"

AYAME: "Tsubaru — yes, of course. I remember him very well."

TCHIAT: "Just give me a moment, I'll find it — it's more of a package, really."

AYAME: "You came through Port Inayashe on your way home, then?"

TARAN: "Actually, no — we met him in Port Calin. He was there on business for his father — he's the seneschal up there now, believe it or not."

AYAME: "Oh, I can believe it — he's quite capable."

TARAN: "Extremely so, for a mortal. Even the Dragon-blooded seemed to treat him with some respect."

TCHIAT: "Here it is! I think there's a book or two in there too, it's awfully heavy."

AYAME: "That wouldn't surprise me, either."

TCHIAT: "He said you'd been a guest in his father's house… "

AYAME: "I was injured in battle two years ago — the Satrap was kind enough to offer me hospitality during my convalescence. Tsubaru bore most of the burden of that offer — most graciously, considering the crankiness of his patient."

TARAN: "Cranky? You?"

AYAME: "If you doubt my irritability when confined to bed for three months at a time, you can ask Mnemon Katenan — he and his wife were my long-suffering hosts and caretakers after I was brought home from Mishaka."

TARAN: "They taught us about Mishaka in our military strategy classes. That was a horrific battle. I'd forgotten you were actually there..."

TCHIAT: "Are you forgetting your family history, Taran? He nearly died at Mishaka."

AYAME: "Very nearly. Horrific describes it pretty well, we took heavy casualties in that battle, both mortal and Dragon-blooded. I was more fortunate than many. But Katenan can give a better account of that time than I, if you want to hear it. As it happens, they're holding a dinner party tonight — and since you're back on the Isle for a time, it would be good for you to meet them. They did say I could bring guests."

TARAN: "Tonight? Thanks, that would be great! Uh — How formal is this dinner party of theirs?"

AYAME: "They're House Mnemon. If you need to ask, you've clearly been in the field too long. Though your formal uniform would do in a pinch."

TARAN: "No, I've had enough of uniforms, I'm sure Ekio can find me proper robes. Tchia, you could ask Aunt Petaluna—"

TCHIAT: "No, I couldn't. Ayame, I'd love to meet your friends, but please spare me the formal robes and courtly games. I can't stand it. I know the courtier types who go to these things. I had enough of those twit-brained silkworms in school, and I can assure you they had more than enough of me too."

AYAME: (chuckling) "You definitely need to meet Katenan and Ruia. I think you'd find they share your opinion of most of the guests under their roof tonight."

TCHIAT: "I'm sure. But not tonight, please. You go, Taran — have fun, get drunk, get laid, I don't care, just leave me out of it. And Taran, I'm going to write Citan and tell him we will be there for lunch tomorrow — so wherever you end up, make sure you are at Citan's door by mid-day bell."

TARAN: "Oh, I'm sure I'll be back long before then — it's House Mnemon, not Cynis! I'd better go talk to Ekio—" (Taran leaves…)


Re: EXALTED: Episode 3: Thicker than Water (repost)

PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2010 2:02 pm
by JanetT
TCHIAT: "Do give my regards to your friends, Ayame. I would like to meet them, some other time."

AYAME: "I'll arrange it. And I'll try to keep Taran out of trouble tonight."

TCHIAT: "Thank you. Don't let him propose to anyone without my approval, please. He has absolutely no sense when it comes to women sometimes. And I know he has his heart set on getting married this summer. I just want to make sure he ends up with someone who'll appreciate him."

AYAME: "Of course. And what about you, little bird?"

TCHIAT: "What about me?"

AYAME: "I take it your heart is not set on marriage…"

TCHIAT: "It doesn't matter very much what my heart is set on. I'm sure Aunt Petaluna is already planning the wedding. It's just a matter of making the match. I'm surprised you've escaped her for so long… you are a wing commander now, even without a posting."

AYAME: "One of the advantages of being adopted into the House — the matchmakers seem to have overlooked me so far."

TCHIAT: "I suppose. Well, if I can face the Fair Folk and the barbarian hordes, staring down a few potential suitors should be like a garden stroll, right?"

AYAME: "Indeed!"

AYAME: "Thank you for being Tsubaru's courier, Tchia. I will keep an eye on Taran for you."

TCHIAT: "Thank you."

Ayame departs. Out in the hallway, he pauses a moment for reflection.

AYAME: (thinking) "So, you are now your father's Seneschal — has he learned to see your true value at last? Well done, my young friend. It has been too long since I heard from you.... too long indeed."

TO BE CONTINUED.... in Episode 4: Reflections on Summer Love

Re: EXALTED: Episode 3: Thicker than Water (repost)

PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2010 11:57 pm
by Dark Angel
Yay the next episode!! Woo! I love your photostories, they are always so well done.

Re: EXALTED: Episode 3: Thicker than Water (repost)

PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 7:25 pm
by Eseme
I love this story. Granted, I don't know much about Exalted, only basic setting stuff (but they are rebooting it this summer, and I plan on grabbing the Free RPG Day Exalted product). But the story and characters fit perfectly with what I remember.

And I utterly love your sets and costumes. They really make the the whole story come alive! I am very jealous of your furniture.

Re: EXALTED: Episode 3: Thicker than Water (repost)

PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 8:20 pm
by JanetT
... They're rebooting the story? It's been through two Editions already..! (though I did hear rumors that the Empress was coming back... :twisted: ) I guess I'd better go check up on a few things! (I haven't been keeping up, since I don't actually have anyone to play the game with, and I never was very big on rules, just the setting and storylines....) It's nice to know someone's reading this who is actually familiar with the game!

Just added more characters to the "About the Characters" thread, too.

Furnishings are from a number of sources, including Ebay sellers in Hong Kong and lucky finds at Joanne's Fabrics. I make the costumes and sets. I've always got an eye out for suitable props and set pieces.

My goal is to have episodes #9 and #10 ready by the time I get to re-posting #8.... ;) :roll:
Thanks for reading!

Re: EXALTED: Episode 3: Thicker than Water (repost)

PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 2:56 am
by leopardessmoon
yay! I cant wait for more!

Re: EXALTED: Episode 3: Thicker than Water (repost)

PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 9:05 pm
by Eseme
Huh, I just checked the website, and it is a 2nd Edition Exalted Quickstart Rules and Adventure booklet. Which is really odd, as normally White Wolf releases a "teaser" quickstart booklet for a new product that they debut officially a month or two later at GenCon. So I just assumed it was a new version of Exalted. I'll still pick it up if the local store allows be to snag more than one item (I'm too much of a Paizo fan not to snag their product for the fourth year running at Free RPG Day).

Erm, to bring this BACK ON TOPIC...

I love the cabinet that is lurking in the background there. Where does one find stunning pieces like that?

JanetT wrote:Image

Re: EXALTED: Episode 3: Thicker than Water (repost)

PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 10:53 pm
by JanetT
That cabinet (and a number of other Chinese-style wood pieces, like the two tables in that scene) came via Ebay from Hong Kong. Kathyscollections is the dealer. (Warning: they're not cheap, and half the price is the shipping -- also half the pieces she sells are dollhouse scale, so one has to pay attention to measurements to make sure the piece is scaled for 1/6 (Barbie) and not Dollhouse.)

I did find some Chinese-style chairs at Joanne's Fabrics once, so you never know what you can find. I keep wanting to do a 'treasure hunt' down to the gift shops in Chinatown (in DC) just to see what they might have.

Bonus shot: Out takes!

And behind the scenes: Ayame and Taran Work Out...

Re: EXALTED: Episode 3: Thicker than Water (repost)

PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 3:37 pm
by zirconmermaid
Mmmmmm! Ayame is very very pretty!! I love the package, and all the wonderful details. It's good to see these posted!! :D