It is December 21st, Prima's birthday, and the Doll House is buzzing with activity getting ready for her party tonight.
Everyone lends a helping hand because there is so much to do to get ready.
Even Bonnie and Alice help out.
Niki and Umka bring the tree in.
Marie and Lucette clean up.
When muscle is needed to move the furniture, the boys step up.
Capri: Prima, are you okay? You seem kind of stressed.
Prima: It's just that there is so much to do to get ready for tonight and....
Prima: Oh! Dammit!!!
Prima: Look what I've done now! Another mess to clean up!
Capri: Prima, you need a break. Let's go outside. I want to show you something interesting that happened with the storm last night...
Prima: I can't, there's too much to do!
Capri: Don't worry, you have lots of help. It'll get done.
Prima: What are we looking at?
Capri: Come over here- the wind knocked down all of these branches and.....