#27 Ridiculously Long Episode of Epic Proportions Resulting in an Eventual Christmas Party
Part 3: L’histoire Triste de Ryan
“I hope I’m not too early,” Abraham said.
“Indeed you are not,” Ivan bellowed. “Come and do battle my good man, come and join me at the War Board. To the victor go the spoils!”
Abraham allowed the smallest of smiles. “I would like nothing more but I would prefer a time when we could truly concentrate. Perhaps you could meet me at the library one day. We’ll find a nice quiet corner in the evening, after sunset. When I get off work of course.”
“Excellent, it shall be done.” Ivan said.
“Micah, I brought two books that might interest you,” Abe said. Micah wasn’t paying much attention but in a surprising twist Ryan took an interest in the books.
“This will be great practice.”
“I didn’t know you spoke French,” Abe said. “Let me guess, to hit on Parisian girls?”
“My mother was French.”
“She used to read books like this to me.”
“It’s something we don’t discuss often,” Lee said. “Kind of a downer.”
Lee whispered, “Dad loved his Mom but she passed. He divorced mine cause she wasn’t her. He’s married a bunch of others since but it never sticks. We’ve got half-siblings we’ve never even met. Wish he’d just stay single instead of… well, nevermind.”
“I am heartily sorry,” Abraham said. “I’m glad you have each other.”
Part 4: Christmas Party time!