#27 Ridiculously Long Episode of Epic Proportions Resulting in an Eventual Christmas Party
Part 4: Finally, It’s the Christmas Party!
Ivan went to get ready for the party.
“Santa has come to give all the good boys and girls toys,” Ivan bellowed.
“But I’ve decided you’re all naughty…”
“… so I will keep all of your presents!”
“Boo hiss,” Ryan yelled. “Guess whose name I drew?” He grinned at Jillian and she groaned. The group did a name-draw since they were all too poor to buy more than one gift.
*glare* Being forced to masquerade as a human child has its drawbacks. Foster cleared his throat and raised his voice an octave, “Thank you Abraham for the kind and thoughtful gift, I will love him forever and ever and ever.” Abraham snickered because he knew the truth of Foster.
“This is a wonderful suitcase,” Jillian said.
“You move a lot so I figured you could use a pretty one,” Ryan said. “It has a compartment for all your guns too.”
“How sweet you are!” Jillian squealed.
Micah got a Bonsai kit and Ina a new winter coat. Micah bought Abe a ‘welcoming cat’ for his library office since he expressed such an interest in Japanese culture. Ryan got a new shirt and Lee got an upgrade for his laptop and gaming dice.
Foster accepted more gifts with a murderous glint in his eye.
“Lee gets an extra gift,” Ivan said. “This is to replace the wheeling-board I broke on the sidewalk last week.” Ivan flashed a fangy grin. Abraham looked to the vampire and stifled a laugh but failed, the idea of an ancient vampire on a skateboard was too much.
“Wh… what, is this for me?”
“We broke the rules a bit and all pitched in on the cost of materials. I’ve got a friend who owes me who knows a blacksmith who owes him so… a favor for a favor… anyway, point is, it’s legit. Not a decorative piece.”
“You are truly the best friend a man could ever hope to have.” *tear*
“Try not to kill anybody,” Micah said with a little laugh. “Especially not Foster or I’ll have to give his sword back so he can defend himself. Maybe this was a bad time to give you your present. New rule, if you guys hack up my apartment I’m taking your swords away.”
“Wait, YOU have Silverblade?” Foster squealed. “You’ve had it all this time?”
“Shush Foster, we have guests,” Micah said. Foster furrowed his brow but remained silent.
“It is a fine weapon. Solid craftsmanship and good balance. I like it!”
“Aha, in my right hand I wield the mightiest broadsword in all the land, none shall oppose me!”
“Be they dragons or elves, warlocks or shaman I shall defeat them all in glorious victory! Come my foe, come and do battle with the King!”
Abraham watched with a grim expression.
“What is this?” Ivan said and Foster burst out laughing.
“It reminded me of you, the way you beat your chest like an ape. Happy Human Holiday.”
Ivan sneaked over to Jillian while everyone else was busy. “A lady as beautiful as you should be adorned by only the finest jewels.”
“Please accept this small token of my undying friendship and admiration.”
Jillian burst into laughter. "Oh Frosty, I think the undying part is a bit overdone don't you think? Let's see what you've ... oh my, what have you done?"
“Why thank you Ivan,” Jillian inspected the rather large tennis bracelet and her eyes widened. “Where did… how did…”
“You are a beautiful woman,” Ivan said. “Both strong and brave, much like the women of my homeland. I hope you don’t feel unnoticed or unappreciated. Since you moved out it’s not been quite the same. Ina has taken your room but it doesn’t mean you can’t visit us.”
“Oh, well, no… I just…”
“Perhaps I should visit you instead, or better yet, I shall accompany you to an outing of your choosing.”
“Okay?” Jillian said.
Ivan said, “It is settled then.”
“I’ll be leaving,” Abraham said. “Thank you again for the invite.”
“I’m so glad you could make it,” Micah said. “Please stop by any time.”
“Yes indeed, do come back. And I shall come to your library for a game of chess. I was never a man of letters but I do enjoy a good game of strategy.”
Ivan whispered, “Just call it the War Board when you’re around the bleached-white circus child. He’s severely damaged in the head you know, kicked by an elephant they say.”
“I’ll remember that,” Abe said with a slight tremor to his voice. Being so close to an “ancient” was more than a little disconcerting.
“I do look forward to it,” Ivan said.
“I got bunnies from Miss Ina!” Vargas said from his little hidey-hole spot out of view.
No cat omake this time, Vargas ate them.
#28 Boredom n' Blues