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Hey! Hey! Hey! - 11/6/10 (#92) HeyHeyHey Knock Knock Knocker

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:25 am
by SetsunaKou
In this photoshoot, looks like Jun is behind glass doors, fooling around with the knobs, while Satoshi is sitting on the couch, observing from the other side!

It was a bit of a challenge to photograph, as we needed a huge glass to use as the 'doors.'

Luckily, our dining table is solid glass so we just put Jun under the table, and shot through the glass down at him!

For Satoshi's 'reflection' shot, we held him close above the glass table, and then photographed the reflection in the glass. ^^;;

For the scenery, I patched in the original since holding dolls above glass and below glass, you can't have windows or such around. ^^

Anyway, hope it came out 'okay' at least!

Thanks for looking!

Real life Version:

Doll Version:

Re: Hey! Hey! Hey! - 11/6/10 (#92) HeyHeyHey Knock Knock Kno

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:33 pm
by Lamia of the Dark
Ooh, the one with just the reflection must have been hard to get!

Re: Hey! Hey! Hey! - 11/6/10 (#92) HeyHeyHey Knock Knock Kno

PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:47 pm
by SetsunaKou
Oh, it was!!!! We tried all kinds of settings, lighting---with flash or without---and it was tough!
But we were lucky to have a glass dining table at least, ne?

Thanks again for commenting, Lamia-san! It's much appreciated!!! :)