I was up all night last night working on the corset. It worked okay with some heavy duty cotton I have...and looked a lot cuter...but my sewing skills aren't as advanced as I'd like them to be so I gave up on the cotton corset and started over using upholstery leather. (My sewing machine now hates me.)
I think I'll use the same pattern and go back to that heavy duty cotton that I have and instead of working on the raw seams or trying to line the stupid thing, I'll leave it unlined (it's white) and use lace on the top and bottom where the lining would be. *shrugs* I'll have to read more about how to make corsets. I have a lot of pages bookmarked but thought I'd post this quick little photo of her, even though she's sitting down.
I know...I have white thread on black leather/Naugahyde (whatever it is)...but the grommets are a mix of white and silver in the back. The lacing is black...until I can find my silver ribbon.
Oh, those are new bloomers that she's wearing. I have some black material with white skulls and bright pink crossbones I'll use for her next pair. And I might try to make her a duster using some old jeans that have shredded. (Five year old jeans, lots of washing and drying and wearing the same three pair in rotation for five years sort of did them in.)
Now I just have to find her some punk boots. She's got pretty big feet (68cm RS Chun)...so I'm not too sure what size to get her.