I loooooove my first BJD, Angell-Studio Leira (an MSD sized doll) named Ellie, to bits and I couldn't wait to dress her up and take more pictures. I finally made her her first outfit just now . She just needs a coat or at least something warm before I can take her outside for a real photoshoot...
I apologize in advance for being repetitive but I couldn't stop posting pictures, I just think she's so pretty!! I'm still amazed at her face-up, I'm so proud, I never thought I could do it
O, P.S., I also apologize for bad lighting and bad photo quality, it's past midnight here and I'm too impatient to wait for the sunlight to come back
Ellie! by Ev's Dolls ♫, on Flickr
You can almost see her thinking "I'm cold, get me some clothes please!!"
Ellie in her first outfit by Ev's Dolls ♫, on Flickr
Ellie in her first outfit by Ev's Dolls ♫, on Flickr