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Rosiel's first clothing...

PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:53 pm
by Lamia of the Dark


They're for Rosiel, who is already demanding many outfits. Even though he doesn't have a FACE yet :lol:

Re: Rosiel's first clothing...

PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:50 pm
by catshem
XD Looks along the lines of something he'd wear! Are you by any chance trying to match the outfits to what Kaori Yuki designed?

Re: Rosiel's first clothing...

PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 11:25 am
by Lamia of the Dark
catshem wrote:XD Looks along the lines of something he'd wear! Are you by any chance trying to match the outfits to what Kaori Yuki designed?

Well, my friend randomly gave me the snake-scale pattern cloth and I wanted to make something with it, so I went SNAKESCALE SHIRT AWWWW YEEEEAAAHHH >_<

There actually is a specfic outfit that I designed the vest from, though. >_> I also have an old feather boa that's in pretty good shape but hasn't seen the light of day since about 3 years ago... I'll cut a piece off the end so Rosiel can have his own feather boa :lol: I know he wears one in the manga sometimes!

Too bad I suck at making pants, though. He's getting pretty upset at having to wear GI Joe army pants. I might put him in a skirt just to shut up his whining :twisted:

Re: Rosiel's first clothing...

PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:57 pm
by catshem
Lamia of the Dark wrote:
catshem wrote:XD Looks along the lines of something he'd wear! Are you by any chance trying to match the outfits to what Kaori Yuki designed?

Well, my friend randomly gave me the snake-scale pattern cloth and I wanted to make something with it, so I went SNAKESCALE SHIRT AWWWW YEEEEAAAHHH >_<

There actually is a specfic outfit that I designed the vest from, though. >_> I also have an old feather boa that's in pretty good shape but hasn't seen the light of day since about 3 years ago... I'll cut a piece off the end so Rosiel can have his own feather boa :lol: I know he wears one in the manga sometimes!

Too bad I suck at making pants, though. He's getting pretty upset at having to wear GI Joe army pants. I might put him in a skirt just to shut up his whining :twisted:

He should have no complaints with a nice long skirt. lol :lol:

Re: Rosiel's first clothing...

PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 6:24 pm
by Lamia of the Dark
Awwww, I can't do that to him though... >_> the girls would whine about their stuff getting stretched out :lol: