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SD-sized crinoline cage, petticoat, dress and veil

PostPosted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:01 pm
by MorbidNeeds
This project of was started back at around the same time now last year, give and take a few months, and because of lack of time, materials and an idea of where I needed to go with this it was set on a near year long hiatus.
Just recently I started it up again, a clear image of how it will look once it's all sown together and finished in my mind. Have quite some way to go still, but little progress is better than no progress, no?
I had left off the crinoline in a rather sad state of unfinish. The material wasn't quite working but I made it work in the end. The stiffeners I used didn't hold their shape very well when the bigger hoops had to be formed so had to do a little improvising and use some stiffeners from some cheap corsages, did the trick. This was how it was left:


First it was because I found this old petticoat and started wondering how it'd look draped over this thing. Pretty darn gorgeous I'd say!


Looks like a big fluffy cupcake, don't it? Used a lavalamp as a stand-in mannequin (seriously need to make one at some point) as it had just the right height and waist measurements.
That done I set to work on sewing a piece of fabric all the way round the two bottom most hoops, this was done to prevent one from walking right through the hoops when wearing this and of course I also wanted realism.


I know the crinoline isn't perfect or nothing, it's my first try at making one and I'm pretty satisfied. Might also have a little something to do with my choice of materials, but, still, I made this anyhow.
Finding that it looks a bit naked at the bottom I sewed a row of lacy ruffles onto it, also makes for neat decor.


Know there's still pins in it but never got around to shoot a picture when I finished sewing this onto the crinoline.

Then back to the petticoat, again I didn't shoot in-between pictures (I'm really no good when it comes to progress pictures other than when it's all finished), but here it is in all it's glory having been sown together:

Project_Teaser by MorbidNeeds, on Flickr

And over the petticoat one need a black skirt and then on top a bustle skirt with a corsage like top. Lucky for me I had yet some old unused dresses I could sacrifice for the purpose.




Still need to sew all of this together, fit a hem around the black skirt and add a button to close it in the back. The bustle I will need to sew a corsage to fit onto it and add a zipper in the back. Have some pearls to decorate the bustle with and a big bow to put on the back of the dress. Will also be sewing a ruffle filled bolero with long sleeves, make some lace gloves, a small purse, a hat and find somewhere to buy a parasol/umbrella to modify into something befitting of this dress.

The dress is as long and wide as the plate it is displayed on which is 80Lx68W aka HUGE! Also, the bottom hoop of the crinoline measures 54cm in diameter.

SD-sized Ball Gown by MorbidNeeds, on Flickr

So close now... Just need to iron on perls onto the skirt and this lovely veil here (it's not for him, he just modeled for 5 minutes while I shot a few pictures):



Have a pair of long gloves, a small purse of a kind and some lingerie to sew still.


Re: SD-sized crinoline cage, petticoat, dress and veil - WIP

PostPosted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:03 pm
by Jany
Impressive! Can't wait to see it all finished 8-)

Re: SD-sized crinoline cage, petticoat, dress and veil - WIP

PostPosted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 4:52 pm
by oniakki
Oh,that is very nice! I'm jealous.

Re: SD-sized crinoline cage, petticoat, dress and veil - WIP

PostPosted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 6:04 pm
by zirconmermaid
It's coming out very nice!

Re: SD-sized crinoline cage, petticoat, dress and veil - WIP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:29 am
by ShortNCuddlyAm
That's looking really good!

Re: SD-sized crinoline cage, petticoat, dress and veil - WIP

PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 4:50 am
by Evelien
My reply got lost.. so weird, I tried to post it twice. But I said something along the lines of "OMG that is so beautiful and impressive" :mrgreen:

Re: SD-sized crinoline cage, petticoat, dress and veil - WIP

PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 5:08 am
by MorbidNeeds
Thank you all :)

And just a quick teaser! All because I received the iron-on pearls owo


Almost there, soon this will be all finished!

Re: SD-sized crinoline cage, petticoat, dress and veil - WIP

PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 11:49 am
by Stormlight
That is so pretty! Can't wait to see the finished product!

Re: SD-sized crinoline cage, petticoat, dress and veil - WIP

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:01 am
by MorbidNeeds
Thank you, glad you like it :) Looking forward to being able showing this off properly!

Re: SD-sized crinoline cage, petticoat, dress and veil - WIP

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:52 am
by Kukolka
Wow -- absolutely gorgeous!