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The "I need more dollies" says the voice in my head!

The place for those OT discussions that you just HAVE to share in a doll themed forum.

Re: The "I need more dollies" says the voice in my head!

Postby Mirrin » Sun May 01, 2011 4:32 pm

I just ordered a dark tan RS Li this week and have already started saving for a WD Jude. I have only $150 left to go... so soon enough I'll be getting two new dolls...
I'm thinking about doing layaway with Withdoll, but if I get the rest of the money this week.. I don't really see the need.
At Home: Lettice (RS Rong), Avery (PD Tara), Sebastian (RS Wu), Titiana (RS Li), Patrick (RS Mai), Vivica (DDoll Airi), Brody (DZ Hid), Fyodor (DDoll Hiro), Landon (WD HOE Juwel), Khoshekh (Oleum's Dolls)
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the walls have dolliehs
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