x0xPeachyx0x wrote:Trollz need luv too =3 lol
but honestly, this has got to be the most drama-filled hobby I have ever had the pleasure to take part in, Good for a giggle in the morning, like wtf @___@;
Mlatch221 wrote:I should add that this is the work of an individual who was a member of the board for about 10 days and had less than 2 dozen posts. If you had been off the board a few days and just now came back to open the PM, your first thought might be "who the heck is that?" .
Greyhaunt wrote:For the record, no, the board does NOT allow mass PMs. You can include up to 5 people in a single PM. Given as we have 229 members she spent a ridiculous amount of time resending that message to everyone on the board.
Except me....go figure LOL
KatyaR wrote::::sends Greyhaunt VR cocoa and cookies:::
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