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For the things that never make any sense! XD

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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby AlmySidaKay » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:08 am

As usual I'm late to the party, but mayo and fries? Gross. I'll take BBQ sauce with mine though any day.
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby Evelien » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:12 am

Just setting something straight here, not that it matters, but what we eat with our fries is not 100% the same as mayonaise. We call it mayonaise at the snackbar, but we call it fritessaus (Dutch spelling) at the supermarket. It's quite different from mayonaise really. Ack, so confusing.
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby quidam » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:41 pm

Ah- Mayonnaise with "finely ground anchovies and capers" in it. Truthfully, it doesn't sound bad, but I doubt it would ever become a hit in the U.S. Most people over here are frightened of those little fishies, and have no clue what capers are. :roll:
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby Lexagon » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:44 pm

They're like.. little flower buds that are dried and seasoned. Rather tasty, they're in salads a lot usually give it that crunch.
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby Evelien » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:03 pm

quidam wrote:Ah- Mayonnaise with "finely ground anchovies and capers" in it. Truthfully, it doesn't sound bad, but I doubt it would ever become a hit in the U.S. Most people over here are frightened of those little fishies, and have no clue what capers are. :roll:

Wait - what? What type of sauce are you talking about now..? Not the Dutch fritessaus I am sure...
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby quidam » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:19 pm

That's what it came up on wisegeek when I first looked it up. iFood is saying the same. I can't seem to find any recipes in English.
The only bottle variety has random "flavorings" but no fishies listed specifically.


I'm still searching (I'm bored, you see) and past the first two sites I mentioned, the very little I can find on it basically says "it's mayonnaise, but it's not...". Most recipes seem to redirect to normal mayo.
Now I'm kind of thinking about finding myself a bottle just to see what it really is. Plain mayo is kind of boring, and as much as I love MW it makes my tummy feel like I've swallowed razor blades.
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby Lexagon » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:51 pm

Haha, Quid, you are bored. I actually think I've had it before, I'm not sure though..
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby AlmySidaKay » Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:44 pm

quidam wrote:Ah- Mayonnaise with "finely ground anchovies and capers" in it. Truthfully, it doesn't sound bad, but I doubt it would ever become a hit in the U.S. Most people over here are frightened of those little fishies, and have no clue what capers are. :roll:

From the sounds it, almost sounds like a type of tartar sauce my BF has, on capers, oh god do I love them on a good salmon bagel. Capers, salmon, cream cheese, on a good bagel............. NOM.
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby britbrat18 » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:53 pm

I'm always a little on the clumsy side, usually ending up with me somehow hurting myself(never serious). Today though has to be a record. Injuries total:

-pinky toe injury after hitting my toe on my laptop desk, had to be bandaged.
-hit in the ribs by a closing door.
-hit my ankle bone.
-stubbed my toe twice on the stairs
-and hit my foot closing a door, and smacking my head on it too boot.

Anyone else have days like this? :lol:
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby victoriavictrix » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:26 pm

I believe that your "mayonnaise" may be something like this:

2 egg yolks
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
salt & pepper
1 tablespoon cold water
400 ml salad oil or olive oil

American mayonnaise is a little different

1/2 teaspoon dry mustard powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
2 tablespoons white vinegar
2 cups vegetable oil

No lemon juice, no pepper, and plain mustard powder instead of Dijon. Makes a big difference.

Miracle Whip is NOT mayonnaise. Miracle Whip is a unique product. It does seem to start out much like mayonnaise, but has additional sugar and vinegar, which defines it as a salad dressing. (mayo has no sugar, or a tiny amount). Here are the ingrediants for a home-made "Miracle Whip"


***Step: 1***
4 egg yolks
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons vinegar or lemon juice
1 cup salad oil
2 cups salad oil
4 tablespoons vinegar or lemon juice
***Step: 2***
2 teaspoons dry mustard
1 tablespoon salt
3 tablespoons Flour or cornstarch
1 cup boiling water

Step: 1 With mixer blend egg yolks, salt, sugar, and first measure of vinegar or lemon juice.

Very slowly add 1 cup oil, a few drops at a time, and mix thoroughly.

Add remaining oil, a little faster but be careful to blend each addition before adding more oil.

When all oil has been added, add remaining vinegar or lemon juice.

Step: 2 Put the remaining ingredients in a saucepan and slowly cook to a smooth paste.

Add this hot mixture to the mayonnaise and blend well.

Pour in a container & cool in the refrigerator.

Of the two, mayonnaise seems to be a LOT healthier, with no sugar and no flour, it is definitely a no-carb condiment.
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