by OutBriefCandle » Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:02 pm
Nothing like a chat with the grandparents to make you feel great about your life. Yes, I know my job sucks and that I need to apply to other places, but they always act like I don't have one at all and not wanting to completely leave my coworkers who are also friends high and dry during a period of unusually high turnover doesn't mean I'm dumb or not trying. I know I need to get my driver's license, I don't need to be told twelve times in the same conversation. I want to study a little before I take the permit test and they require a physical which I do not have the form for yet. It's nice that they think I'm a good artist but I don't feel like I'm good enough to make a go of it as a career and believe me while I would love to play around with sculpture more I have nowhere to work. I can barely scrape out enough room when I want to work on something for the dolls, not that I'd care to share that hobby with them...
I love my grandparents, I do, but there's nothing like time spent alone with them to make me want to curl up in my room in a ball of shame and never come out.
Ryo - DIM Real (NS)
Ariel - BBB Sprite (Blue)
Peaseblossom - BBB Ariel (Lilac)
Bast - Fairyland MNF Woosoo Vamp (WS)
Bernadette - Hujoo Berry (Apricot)
Mustardseed - Realpuki Tyni (NS)
Dove - BBB Pixie (Chocolate)
Loki - Hujoo Jake
Monster High Toralei
Monster High Clawd Wolf
Perneth - RS Pixiu (Sky Blue)