As some of you may know, I recently got rid of my roommates. I had told them they could keep some of their belongings here for a few WEEKS while they found another place. That was the end of August. It is now halfway through November, and one roommate still had a mattress and box spring in my art studio, and a closet full of junk. I told him that it needs to go NOW. A few weeks is not a few months... So he emptied the closet. My fiance said that his boss might buy the mattress and box spring, so the roommate said that if he could sell it, great, if not, throw it out. His boss didn't want it, so my fiance told me to throw it out. Instead, I put it up on craigslist. Within 12 hours, I had a buyer. She picked it up about an hour and a half ago. So since I made the effort of putting the ad up, instead of chucking it like everyone said, I'm keeping the money for myself. Suck on that, boys.
Which means I will be putting it RIGHT into my doll layaway, and if all goes well, I can pay it off in two weeks. -crosses fingers-