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New Suxs Thread

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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby Kae915 » Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:36 am

Well i couldn't go to bed until 2 or so. 6 o'clock rolls around and my mom and her boyfriend decide it's a great time to yell at each other. A cop decides to join in for a while. She leaves and they continue. It's now 7:30, I'm tired, I'm ticked off, and I'm abou to go put them in separate time out corners across the house, except they will just yell across the house. People need to grow up. =____________=
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby Lamia of the Dark » Tue Dec 03, 2013 1:25 pm

My laptop is officially dead, so for the time being, I can only get on the internet from the public library... which has a 1-hr time limit per day. :(

Don't have a lot of spare cashing laying around, so getting that sucker replaced might take me longer than I'd like...

:cry: :cry: this also means I'm definitely not getting myself a new doll for Christmas. I think I've only added a single BJD to my collection this year. (Not counting the random Monsters and whatnot that tend to pile up.)
I have so many dolls that I can't fit all their names in my signature anymore. @__@
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby Alopecia No Hime » Thu Dec 05, 2013 3:51 pm

It's official...My dad doesn't give a fuck about me...It's been over a month and he was supposed to see me as part of my Christmas present, he was supposed to call us to make plans...He's changed his phone number, my Aunt Linda 's phone for some strange reason isn't accepting calls either...My mom finally had to call my Uncle Steve and he saw my dad...He's doing fine and apparently didn't talk about me or nothin' at Thanksgiving...

I'm feeling heartbroken all over again...
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby Kirahfaye » Thu Dec 05, 2013 4:37 pm

Alopecia No Hime wrote:It's official...My dad doesn't give a fuck about me...It's been over a month and he was supposed to see me as part of my Christmas present, he was supposed to call us to make plans...He's changed his phone number, my Aunt Linda 's phone for some strange reason isn't accepting calls either...My mom finally had to call my Uncle Steve and he saw my dad...He's doing fine and apparently didn't talk about me or nothin' at Thanksgiving...

I'm feeling heartbroken all over again...

All I can offer is a cyber hug, but here it is and I hope it helps in some small way. }}}}hug{{{{
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby Alopecia No Hime » Thu Dec 05, 2013 4:50 pm

*hugs* Thanks Kirafaye. Seriously.
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby ShortNCuddlyAm » Thu Dec 05, 2013 7:17 pm

Alopecia No Hime wrote:It's official...My dad doesn't give a fuck about me...It's been over a month and he was supposed to see me as part of my Christmas present, he was supposed to call us to make plans...He's changed his phone number, my Aunt Linda 's phone for some strange reason isn't accepting calls either...My mom finally had to call my Uncle Steve and he saw my dad...He's doing fine and apparently didn't talk about me or nothin' at Thanksgiving...

I'm feeling heartbroken all over again...

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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby kenaiqueen » Thu Dec 05, 2013 8:34 pm

ShortNCuddlyAm wrote:
Big hugs from a random internet stranger.

And from another.

He's an ass. You're a good person who doesn't deserve to be treated like that.
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby Alopecia No Hime » Thu Dec 05, 2013 9:48 pm

Thanks guys..I'm not gonna let him hurt me anymore...And he can spend Christmas alone, I'm not even sending him a Christmas present. He's lucky I went through the trouble to make him a special birthday card when I didn't want to do anything at all.
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby victoriavictrix » Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:22 pm

He doesn't deserve you. YOU should make Christmas plans to do something special with someone who actually cares about you. It doesn't have to cost anything--go to a mass caroling and have hot chocolate afterwards, or go downtown and see the lights, or have a picnic under a giant Christmas tree somewhere.

However I suggest that you beautifully gift-wrap a big lump of coal for him. I'd suggest something nastier and stinkier, but you can get into trouble sending those through the mail.

Or if you have money....

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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby Alopecia No Hime » Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:16 am

I'm gonna go to my aunt's house for Christmas and be surrounded by the family who really care about me..Not the trashy side my dad is from..We usually do fun stuff and there's always laughs especially since I now know my aunt has an obsession with Justin TImberlake...So of course that's gonna involve a small gag gift.

Ah poopsenders.com...A very tempting thing but I'm sure my dad would trace it back to us...It WOULD be something I'd do...I think having NOTHING to open and no card or email either would be a more fitting punishment.
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