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New Suxs Thread

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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby MeltedCaramel » Wed Jan 08, 2014 9:22 am

Dollykim: EwwwwOUCH. What the hell, your doctor sounds like there's a problem beyond impacted ear wax. I can't BELIEVE they didn't help you more!! That stuff can get PAINFUL!!!
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby DollyKim » Wed Jan 08, 2014 12:14 pm

It hasn't reached pain yet, my hearing is fine, if it was really bad I'd be at urgent care. Over the counter ear wax drops has given me some relief. With the wonders of my health care plan anything that isn't the regular doctor turns in to a circus.
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby ShortNCuddlyAm » Wed Jan 08, 2014 12:46 pm

This is more a whine than anything, but the cold I had last week, instead of clearing itself, has given me bronchitis instead. And as it would appear to have been caused by a virus there's no point in going to the docs, as antibiotics won't help.
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby knittnkitten » Wed Jan 08, 2014 12:53 pm

you might as well make sure it doesn't turn into pnumonia by going to the doctor. they can give you stronger cough medicine.

anyway, I think I figured out what was going on with the furnace, since the repair guys didn't find anything wrong. I think it go programmed to shut off after 10:30 pm. I'm pretty sure I fixed it...
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby ShortNCuddlyAm » Wed Jan 08, 2014 3:04 pm

Hmm - good point.

Glad your furnace wasn't anything serious!
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby OkamiKodomo » Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:45 pm

Lots of suxs in one day.

So my boss has gone from bad to worse. He's threatened to break my hand, threatened to cut my coworker's hours if she didn't quit her other job, insulted me, belittled me, AND looked down my shirt at my boobs. Now he THREW a plastic pitcher ACROSS THE ROOM! TWICE!! in a tantrum because one of the leads was doing something he didn't want her to do. My coworker sent me a text telling me this, and I told her to give the lead the Human Resources Hotline number to call. Said lead goes to the manager and tells him this, who in turn yells at my coworker, and she tells him that I said to give it. So he flips out, saying we should never give out that number unless an employee specifically asks for it. He wants "all problems to come to him first, even if he is the problem". Um... WHAT? That number exists so employees don't have to go to the person that is harassing them. He KNOWS he's in the wrong, which is why he's intimidating her into not giving that number out.

Then, a doll I ordered on ebay for my girlfriend got here today and was broken in three places. There is an impact mark in his neck from his hook, a nice chunk of his ribs snapped off, and there's a huge crack running up his spine. On top of all that... it would seem he is a recast. We went on Den of Angels to post pictures in the discussion thread... and there was talk about the "black elf ducan on ebay that was a recast"... I cried. Literally. And I'm still sniffly off and on since (and this was around noon today, it is now after 11) She is still SO in love with him, and got right to work with her dremel, but I feel so awful. And yet it still hurt my feelings when I saw someone post "I hope nobody paid for the ghastly thing." I'm familiar with the character, and his story, and I whimpered a bit and went "But... it's not his fault..." and the whole thing just sucks. His name is Ferrous, and she's going to put a music box in his chest and carve all these awesome designs into him, and he has a story with my little Breakaway boy, Zephyr, and my version of her custom sculpt, Lilium (Cain is the sculpt) and he's just SUCH a beautiful character, it breaks my heart. And now for him to be a recast... We won't even be able to get another, legit version, because as it turns out, they never made the Elf Ducan in tan WITHOUT the vampire fangs, and there is only one of the vampire elf ones in existence, so we couldn't even get one and mod the fangs off. I should have known he was a fake. I should have done better research. I'm not generally a fan of DoD. Their dolls are beautiful, but I find the faces a bit...generic? They all look the same to me. So I'm not overly familiar with them. I don't even know what to do. We're trying to get in contact with the seller, to make a claim with the post office for the damage, but part of me wants to just report the bastard, and get our money back. If we do, however, I don't want to force her to give him up when she loves him so much, and I don't know what the procedures are for counterfeits on ebay. Do they demand you destroy it? Do they make you send it back to the seller? I'm at a loss.
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby victoriavictrix » Wed Jan 15, 2014 12:15 am

Okami, it is time to start recording every interaction you have with your boss. So should everyone else. And let him know you are doing so. If he threatens you because you are recording, you will have that on recording. Threatening to break your hand could get him thrown in jail, not just fired. Also, I would print up the Human Resources number and hand it out to everyone you can. Leave piles of the numbers in the break room. Stick it on the bulletin board. Tape one in each door in the lady's room. Make it impossible for the other employees to miss it.

Ebay doesn't seem to care that someone sells counterfeits, and whether or not you keep the doll depends on whether or not you want to show pictures of him anywhere. You were cheated, and if it were me, I would just put in a paypal dispute and get my money back.
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby FacelessPuppets » Wed Jan 15, 2014 9:09 am


At school today, there were some jerks with one of those illegal laser pointers, and were shining them right INTO people eyes and laughing... They got me and it hurt and I ended up having to go to the doctor to get it checked out and guess what, there's slight damage. Nothing permanent, but still >:I It hurts like a mofo.

I'm seriously debating suing them for assault, 'cause it technically is just that.
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby OkamiKodomo » Wed Jan 15, 2014 11:42 am

VV, yeah, I've gone through all of my records, and made a list of all the incidents. I would send a text to my girlfriend when something would happen, so I'd have a timeline. He's treated me significantly differently since I mentioned my roommate was actually my girlfriend, so I think he's homophobic to boot. But while I posted the hotline on the bulletin board, I'm obviously not allowed to hand it out, and since we're a sub-department and separate company inside the Costco, I can't post them in the bathrooms or leave them in the break room.

I'm trying to claim the insurance money for the item, because it was damaged, because that's the least messy solution, and the seller has been pleasant, so we're wondering if they even knew. But on the flipside, someone on the den thread said ebay took the original listing down, and it was reposted, which was apparently the listing that we purchased, so maybe they did know?
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby mochi.kochi » Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:03 pm

uugh one more flight to go, I'm already feeling sick :[
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