by OkamiKodomo » Sun Aug 12, 2012 4:56 pm
Ok I need to vent a bit.
Last year, I almost left my fiance and moved back to New York because I was sick of dealing with the roommates that HE kept inviting over to live with us. While only one of them was actually a bad person, none have them have pulled their weight, and have essentially freeloaded off of us. I finally gave him an ultimatum, and showed up with a moving van to back it up. Either they go, or I go. Long story short, he got his sh!t together, kicked them out, and we went to couples therapy to get our relationship put back together.
Now, one of those same roommates (not the bad one, at least) is homeless, AGAIN, because he can't hold a job, and the people he's been staying with off and on finally said to get out. So where does he go? You guessed it. My place. I feel like a heartless tool for wanting to say GTFO, but at the same time, he DOES have a place to go. He could move back in with his father. He just doesn't have a way to get there. I am to the point that I will either drive him there myself, (provided he washes his friggin pits first... I am not having Badger stink of body odor) or pay for his damn bus ticket.
I am going to be working almost 2 weeks straight, without a day off. If I'm lucky, I MIGHT get one, IF the shift supervisor under me can get her act together. I don't want to have to worry about coming home to "guests" in my house, or waking up to them on my couch. Enough is enough. I don't like seeing people fall on hard times, but I can't save the world one homeless pot-head at a time. My dolls have to be confined to my studio, and can't even keep me company on my desk, because a) he's afraid of them, and b) they like to smoke in the house, no matter HOW MANY TIMES I SAY NO.
I am beyond frustrated, and really feeling like my rules are being ignored in my own house. And my fiance won't even back me up. He sides with his friends.
Too many dollies to list. Check my profile if you wanna know who's who!