DollyKim wrote:Pics or we can't enjoy them!
Also in the process of major doll collection reorganization to make room for the new arrivals, and organization of associated 'social media' stuff as well. I definitely plan pics, but I may have to learn to use Flickr first. I'm currently considering various image hosting options since I can't figure out how to get any pics auto-uploaded to Amazon to embed anywhere without downloading them and putting them somewhere else, same with ones auto-sent to Facebook, and my tablet doesn't do anything else). I'm going to attempt this one of the WoL Adam doll, but if it doesn't work it's back to the drawing board and I need to walk the dog first.
(update) Ok, that didn't work and typing slow now because of possibly cracked finger, long story, new attempt at pictures!
Box 1, plus Dooku who arrived a few days earlier, and the Pregnant Midge I already had because her dress turned up in that lot.
My share of box 2, including the EO unloading some doubles that were a result of her MH half of the lot.
The moldy box I got for $10 (counting shipping)
The World Of Love box, lots of duplication
The Amazon order
And World Of Love Adam.
The World Of Love dolls are older than I am (barely), which kind of makes them a cheery thing to get for birthday. (even if I bought all my own birthday gifts.)