by 1/6andtinylover » Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:22 pm
Went on a ski trip yesterday. It was my first time skiing so I was kinda was prety fun after a while, but thanks to the slow speed of the lifts, I was scared by the time I'm at top of the hill again. And there wasn't much snow on the ground, but as soon as you enter the skiing area, BAM winter winderland. Do they have a huge fridge with lots of ice shavings for the hills or what? XD
The ever growing wishlist: Hujoo Dana, Obitsu 40, and an army of other Obitsus with anime style heads.
The more expensive end of my wishtlist: Limhwa Half Elf and Elfdoll Soah, my dream dolls.
Dolls @ home: Elodie Tarte (YuHao Tart)