by OkamiKodomo » Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:10 am
Just made my friend's daughter's day by giving her the Moxie Girl I bought to mug for her outfit. It was on clearance at Walgreens for $7, and the outfit was a motocross jumpsuit, and it was just too cute to pass up. I was originally going to attempt putting the Moxie head on another body but decided I wasn't crazy enough about it to do so. I'm not all that into blond dolls. I think my childhood prejudiced me against them, because it was so hard to find the brunette barbies... So I gave her to my friend's 5 year old girl. She promptly braided her hair, went through about 6 outfits in her collection of doll clothes, before deciding she -had- to have a fairy dress, and then named her Goldie, and took her to bed with her. I thought it was adorable that she removed the shoe-feet so they wouldn't get lost while she slept.
Too many dollies to list. Check my profile if you wanna know who's who!