by AlmySidaKay » Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:09 am
She is hanging out at a friends house in this photo, 3 seconds later I chased her off. She is only allowed in the room with the wires under supervision, other wise she had been staying in my friends room where all she had to chew on was the bed and a dresser. My whole house is already bunny proofed thankfully. I should get some photos of her in her natural habitat today at some point. I've been at the friend's house all this week while they supervised me while healing from getting my tubes tied.
I have a very close friend who has tons of rabbits, so believe you me, I'm paranoid about her chewing on wires, and have been watching her like a hawk every moment she has been out of her cage. She's got a pretty swank set up at my place, and since she is 4 months old already, she only loves to use her litter box, it's been so nice, she's even easier to clean up after than a cat. And she loves to snuggle so much, I was really shocked actually, usually bunnies don't snuggle up to strangers the day they meet them.
She is a Flemmish giant, so she will be getting possibly up to 20lbs. She is actually just as big as my friends dog already, and the 2 of them have been hanging out and playing chase with each other. (Well it's been more Athena chasing their dog around than anything). I can't get over how cute and friendly she is. She also loves to explore everything, I'm about ready to keep her on a leash at all times since she really does love to explore.
A hobby isn't supposed to leave you wistful, regretful and vaguely disappointed. BJD collecting is as customizable as the dolls themselves. Do whatever pleases you the most, because otherwise, why do it at all? All for the 'Gram Bitches love the