Dunno if this really counts as a suck or just an eye-rolling annoyance.
Mother: "What do you want for Christmas this year sweetie?"
Me: "I have everything I could ever need. What I'd really like is money for my doll hobby."
Mother: Turns and walks away.
/eyeroll. I know she doesn't like the doll hobby. I get that. The dolls creep her out. I can even understand that. But walking away from someone is just rude. I love my mom, I'm thankful to have her with me. Don't get me wrong. But I do get awfully tired of her sneaking about, lying and manipulating and all that crap. It gets old.
asfopuvom;laweruposdfgisfhghghhgh!!! <-------------- that's me theoretically banging my head on the keyboard.\
ps. Today on phone Dad says, "she doesn't like the dolls."
And I said, "It's my hobby same as my sister buys Breyer horses. She has horses, I have little people. It's no different."