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For the things that never make any sense! XD

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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby Alopecia No Hime » Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:54 pm

OkamiKodomo wrote:Saw my old boss at work today. The one that cost me my graphics design job, a year ago, and tried to claim they fired me for not going in to work, to attempt denying my unemployment claim, rather than the fact that I refused to take an 80% pay cut on the grounds of them finding someone on craigslist. She pretended that she didn't see me, and honestly, I had too much to do, to stop and talk to her, just to make a point. I'm not going to throw off my day, and potentially invest in bad karma over her. She's not worth it.

But is it terrible that I feel a little smug about it? That I really hope she saw the 'supervisor' title on my nametag? I will admit I'm bitter about it.

The company was a start-up. There were 4 employees: the book keeper, the manager, the owner (her) and myself, the graphics artist. Manager and owner were son and mother respectively. I did so much for them. Things that weren't in my job description. Such as coach the owner on how to use a computer. We're talking basic stuff, like sending emails, and 'why won't a .doc file open in quicktime' stuff. I set up a youtube, facebook, photobucket, and was working on a flickr account. I ran craigslist ads for them. I did some telemarketing and door to door with local businesses when there were no ads for me to do. Then when they fired me, they wanted to keep the adobe suite that I installed on their computer.

I started with them on commission, making $200 an ad. Business got good, and they couldn't afford that anymore, so they offered me a salary of $320(pretax) every two weeks, based on a calculation of 20 hours a week, $8 an hour. I took it, because they promised me I'd still get the full salary even if business slowed down again, because I wanted the reliable paycheck. But when it did slow, they wanted to put me back on commission, but this time only making $40 an ad... because they said they found someone on craigslist offering that price.

But the thing is, I found the ad, and the artwork was not only bad, but most of it was stolen tattoo flash that had been run through the photoshop bevel and gradient filters. And it was all static images, not animation, which is significantly more complicated. When I refused, and said I wanted to either keep my salary, or get the original price of $200 per ad, they fired me. When I filed unemployment claims, they tried to deny it, saying that I was pulling no-call/no-shows.

So on the one hand, I feel a sort of... vindication in that I still made it, and I'm doing better than I ever was with them. I feel proud, victorious even. I didn't let them bring me down, and I rose above it. And a part of me wants to make her eat her words, telling me I shouldn't burn my bridges with them, by refusing their offer. But another part of me feels I should be humble about it, because I was raised to never gloat, that you should turn the other cheek, kill them with kindness, that the best revenge is living a happy life.

I say feel proud don't let them get to you humble be damned. When I saw my Ex-BFF and her brother at the Waterpark last year when I was there with my now BFF they stared at us the entire time....And we were laughing smiling and started going on and on about stuff right next to them. We refused to awknowledge their existance except for the looks on their faces....

It may not be humble but being proud of where you are now is allowed.
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby DollyKim » Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:49 am

I'd say let yourself feel a little bit smug, it's only human. Your paths may have crossed for the very reason of letting you know things are okay and they'll get what they deserve for being mean.

For example the woman who stole things like towels from us, like a little hand towel with a rose printed on it and certain brands my aunt gave us, and said our mini van was 'too good' for us ended up loosing her home for her bad karma. It's more complicated than that but hopefully she learned something.
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby catshem » Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:41 am

fdshjljlfds Gabriel's wings just broke off. Blah. Oh well. It'll give me pratice with my new soldering technique.
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby DollyKim » Mon Jun 11, 2012 11:26 am

Behold the spare thing I'm sitting on that could possibly pay for the starter in the car or a good part of it, if I'm allowed to sell it, which I think I am. The only problem is there's no COA and how do I prove to Comic Book Guy it's the real deal?
All I can say is we shot at the Staples Center, I'm one of a mass herd, wearing a green and white striped shirt, and it took FOREVER for Niles to sink that half court shot. We are seriously cheering for real because it means we can go to lunch.
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby catshem » Mon Jun 11, 2012 11:49 am

I don't understand how keeping a spiritual mindset while also believing we can't know everything until we die somehow cancels each other out and basically says i don't believe in anything. I managed to offend a friend of this admittance. I respect their beliefs but I don't fully appreciate being told that I basically believe in nothing then. It sounds like she was calling me a fraud. :l
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby catshem » Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:19 pm

Finally doing a doll head reroot. On an old Barbie I had scalped a long time ago. It's annoying, but so far so good. I'd show pictures but I'm now superstitious of progress photos after posting them on a past project and having it collapse on me right after posting. :|

Quick question, what is used to "punch" hair plug holes onto a head? I might do this to an Obitsu.
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby OkamiKodomo » Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:24 pm

@Treth: Oh, I wasn't thinking of getting revenge. I had my chance at that; didn't want to invest in the bad karma. I could've destroyed their office computer, had I wanted to. Set it up to run Munga Bunga's Hard drive Killer on start-up, and disabled their virus blocker. I didn't, because it wasn't right. My fiance did some work for their website as a favor to me, and they never changed any of their passwords, so he wanted to turn their website into a porn site, and I didn't let him. What I meant by the 'best revenge' comment was just that sense of 'you can't keep me down'. But you are absolutely right. If I still feel bitter and if I still want to rub their face in my success at all, they still have a hold on me.

Maybe next time, I'll just smile, say hello, and go about my day. Scorpio I may be, but holding grudges does eventually get to a person, one way or another.

On a completely unrelated note, Raid > Hot Shot when it comes to bug problems. But boy does it smell naaaaaasteh.
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby DollyKim » Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:18 pm

catshem wrote:Quick question, what is used to "punch" hair plug holes onto a head? I might do this to an Obitsu.

I just use my rooting needle, I do needle and thread method. A poke with the sharp end just before that stitch is all it needs. Or a strait pin or thumb tack works but nothing bigger than a needle. The only issue with poking too long before rooting is you might lose track of the hole(s) and it could cause a split.

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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby Vycem » Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:07 am

@Okami what? No! Feel smug! Enjoy your victory! It's not a negative feeling at all. These people took advantage of you, undervalued you, saw you as an easily replacaceable commodity because you weten't family, then slandered you to prevent you from collecting unemployment. What if you hadn't had the means to make it without income? Did they care at all that you may have gone through terrible hardship? Nope.

You didn't seek revenge, that is your good karma. But you are entitled to look back at what you've accomplished in spite of them and yes, feel enjoyment that whatever substandard crap they contracted through Craigslist will no doubt hurt their business. They lost out in your talent and dedication.

I'm not saying hold a grudge. What I *am* saying is: NEVER FORGET. You have now seen what people are capable of. Learn from it. Keep it always in your heart and draw strength from it. Never again let this happen. You will now be savvier and wiser. You can be bolder too. After all, you've been through the worst and know you can make it. That fear of "OMG what if I lose my job?" should not prevent you from ever speaking out if need be. After all, been there, done that.

That's just my opinion.
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby catshem » Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:46 am

DollyKim wrote:
catshem wrote:Quick question, what is used to "punch" hair plug holes onto a head? I might do this to an Obitsu.

I just use my rooting needle, I do needle and thread method. A poke with the sharp end just before that stitch is all it needs. Or a strait pin or thumb tack works but nothing bigger than a needle. The only issue with poking too long before rooting is you might lose track of the hole(s) and it could cause a split.


lol But thanks for that tip! I just finished the first row of plugs which makes me feel accomplished.
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