I posted these in the 1/6 scale forum but hey, I'm cheap, so I'll re-use 'em here! Just a little work from the Ministry of Propaganda or, what to do when insomnia strikes.
Soon-to-be Chancellor, Alrich Stahl. Poor "Boy Band" Joe finally gets a use as something other than a clothing hanger.
A poster celebrating the victory of Stahl's party in the national elections. I've collected various Soviet and Eastern Bloc images from around the 'net and this started off as a poster celebrating the 30th anniversary of the DDR (East Germany). After giving it a lot of thought and trying a number alternate designs, I decided to just combine the back story of Chancellor Stahl with my existing fictional nation, the Caelian Democratic Republic. I felt like I was re-inventing the wheel by working on yet another country when I already had one that was developed.