by delbelcoure » Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:31 pm
I'm really conflicted, but I have to share this somewhere. My eldest daughter almost died yesterday. She didn't which is more than great, so I keep feeling like I shouldn't make a big deal over it. And I certainly don't want to burn it into my family's psyche any more than it is - but I still keep seeing her in my mind. She fell asleep in the bathtub.
I knocked on the bathroom door to talk to her; I don't even remember what I was going to say. She didn't answer, I burst in and saw her laying there still in the water, not responding. I grabbed her and shrieked her name - and she woke up. No coughing and sputtering, she obviously didn't inhale any water. My youngest daughter was apparently screaming too, but I never heard her, I was so focused on my eldest.
I sent ED to bed and YD and myself had a big, shaky cry. We told my husband, we all had another cry and he went to check on ED himself. Then we all had another cry and finally went back about our separate business.
SO no real harm done, but I am still all shook up. I know ED is, she says she doesn't want to use that bathroom, at least today (which is problematic, it's the only one with a tub and she never did wash her hair yesterday, prosaic, but the truth).
YD keeps hugging ED and clinging to her, which is understandable, but is annoying ED. DH is keeping busy and not focusing on it. I mean, I've known for a long time that life is fragile and filled with danger - this just smacks it in my face.