by catzilerella » Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:57 pm
I love Cleo and Deuce.
I want to get myself another pack.
Cleo is my muse for this exchange.
Which BTW I've made the dress I wanted to make six times and each time was just urgh.
Although three of them are real nice, not exactly what I was going for, but I think I"m just going to send all three.
These fabrics I chooose to work with are a real hassle for something so small! I had a heck of a time with the bodice of the dress... also one of the fabrics just does't look good hemed, but it doesn't look bad un-hemed, so I'm loving it, I just hope that sending these gifts my swapy won't like... hate them. T_T
Im nervous about it now...
ANywys, back to you questions...
As someone who has run all around the nearby stores that carry MH dolls... I would just wait.
It's a hassle to go from store to store, you can try calling, but I've had several times where they've told me they had a specific doll and then I show up and they don't.
Alot of places, like Target and walmart, didn't want to hold the dolls for me.
Justice would hold the dolls, but they also cost like $10 more.
Now I'm just waiting till my local target stocks up.
I'm missing Clawdeen from the DOTD set, which I realllly want... but I have given up trying to run around looking for them.
They had her at my local target when I couldn't afford to get her. lol of course...
but I'm just patiently waiting now for the dolls to be readily available at my store.