Yep, missed another day of work. However, the sun it out and it's a little warmer so we have a lot of snow and ice melting. Tomorrow should be better. Although Fulton Co schools (Atlanta) will be closed again tomorrow. Looks like the poor teachers are going to be losing a lot of teacher work days to make up for this. Another bonus for homeschooling the kidlet!
Why is it when you know you have to replace something with your doll money, said doll's OC begins to fight with you over everything and wants the most expensive head money can buy? (Riven's giving me hell. He doesn't want to look like his sister and wants one of the most expensive heads on Junkyspot.)
Tell him one of my most darling dolls only cost me $5. His self worth isn't in how much he cost but how much he's loved. You need to plan how much you want to spend on your dolls early in the game, you'll feel better about it in the long run. I've only paid over my set limit for one doll, a full set with clothes, shoes, and stuff, and found out his body isn't as good as it could be :/
lol. Let your doll's OC know that not only did my cheaper customed doll gave my expensive official doll a run for her money(the 1/6 crew), said cheaper doll paid me back in terms time spent on project. And she's a factory painted head to boot. I'm suppose to get her something nice in return but she hadn't told me what she wants.
He likes the muffin head a little too much. When I thought about the same head type as Haruka for him his character freaked out hating that idea. I guess he doesn't like the thought of possibly not getting a face-up either. He's finally behaving after I picked out exactly how I want him to look and hasn't thrown a fit over anything....Yet. I think we're finally on an agreement over it. He hasn't made any objections to the new adjustment to his character. He's going to be a pale skin like Haruka and as long as he gets his green hair I think he'll be happy.
Default 50cm Obi head is fighting with Parabox Megu head. Both heads looks like different style of the same character(tell that to the rest of my dolls) and Obi50 has a smirky little smile and wear 16mm eyes better. gonna wait till wigs1 12 and 14mm eyes arrive to decide *is dizzzy from musely feedback*
I just talked to my mom and the seamstress who works with my mom (She made my Yoh Asakura cosplay and clothes for my AG girls.) And she said she's taking commissions so I might be able to get Haruka a Sailor Fuku after all. ^^ I'm happy.
Iwa, buy an extra neck connector and just swap the heads willy nilly ;D Or just to save time, buy another body. Therefore you don't have to choose ;D
Barbie Basics Jeans collection is making me having a solitary tear run down my cheek as I hope it makes it to Australia. I really want the Lea, Goddess and Steffie. (Aka Asian, Ginger and Blonde poodle)
And surprisingly, my vintage shelf has ran outta room. Nooooo, I need a vintage Allan first! ;_;
Oh and I'll be seeing my now-ex boyfriend for the first time since I got my stuff from him on new years. Wish me luck I don't spazz out in front of our mutual friends in any way...
KD, Iotsa luck and I'm feeling sure you won't least not more than he deserves.
I'm sure that BBJ Collection will make it there soon. I've picked up Lea (gorgeous with a fab fringe), Goddess (spray tanned redhead??), and Loubotian (because I had wanted one of the expensive ones but not $150 worth of want.) Poodle Steffie is next on my list. But I'm seriously skint for the month on doll monies. Oddly enough the guy basics that I thought I wanted haven't charmed me in person. And no one here has the accessory packs. I must have theeem! Oh, I also saw some of the Gloom Beach Monster High dolls. They're much more affordable here at Wal-mart going for around $11.