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Udder Randomness

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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby knittnkitten » Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:54 pm

posted three new comics earlier this week, working on inking 5 more, so there will be more posted tonight, probably. they just need to be toned, and that's pretty easy
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby Alopecia No Hime » Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:19 pm

One of my gal pal's who's also into dolls and I were talking about how amusing it can be to see people react to the weirder aspects of some dolls...And it eventually came to this quote which I found freaking hilarious:

"BJD addicts

We may be weird but at least we've seen dick."

This came from a discussion about Dragondoll option parts. XD
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby Stormlight » Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:18 pm

Speaking of slow postal service, I bought a Littlefee body off the DOA MP on the 10th. She was shipped on the 11th. Didn't actually update tracking until the 15th, saying it arrived in Orlando, Fl.

Note: The package was LEAVING from Florida, from a different town. It took four days to change towns?

Today, she was due to arrive. According to the tracking, she hasn't even left Orlando yet! So I called USPS and bitched them out a bit, demanding to know where my package is. The guy said she's actually "on her way" and that the delivery confirmation is only a "courtesy service" and they're not REQUIRED to scan in-between details except departure and arrival. Excuse me, but they charge money for that "courtesy service" so they durned well BETTER scan in-between details for expensive packages.

Anyhoo, from the sound of it she'll be arriving anytime between tomorrow and the end of next week. Bleh. It's disappointing when you're anticipating a package and it doesn't show up like it's supposed to. :evil:

Edit: Oh, and:
"BJD addicts

We may be weird but at least we've seen dick."

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby absynthe1972 » Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:43 pm


I finished my second painting. It's acrylic on canvas. I suppose it's all right. I'm giving it to the dolls for their living area. They like artwork and I suppose that my paintings are "artwork" (sort of). Not bad for a beginner, eh? I should stop by the hobby shop and get a pad of paper that I can paint on. Even these mini canvases are a bit expensive at $5 a pop. If I get a pad of paper large enough, I could paint different backgrounds. I'd reopen my etsy shop but I don't think that anyone would be interested in buying my rather abstract scenery.
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby Nunubit » Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:27 pm

I was trying to explain to an internet friend the butt to waist ratio is ridiculous on Mini Machinas when I realized Sir-Mix-A-Lot's Baby Got Back would be a good song for them since they have a 2 to 1 ratio of butt to waist ratio.

So now I am watching 90s and 80s music videos on Youtube. Or maybe it is just 80s videos. I can't tell because I didn't have MTV in the 90s and my parents raised me on 80s music.
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby DollyKim » Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:50 pm

There's a fertile waist to hip ratio that Monster High dolls and some others have. Its kind of genetically encoded in to humans.
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby britbrat18 » Fri Jan 18, 2013 8:12 pm

Alopecia No Hime wrote:One of my gal pal's who's also into dolls and I were talking about how amusing it can be to see people react to the weirder aspects of some dolls...And it eventually came to this quote which I found freaking hilarious:

"BJD addicts

We may be weird but at least we've seen dick."

This came from a discussion about Dragondoll option parts. XD

:oops: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was trying to explain to an internet friend the butt to waist ratio is ridiculous on Mini Machinas when I realized Sir-Mix-A-Lot's Baby Got Back would be a good song for them since they have a 2 to 1 ratio of butt to waist ratio.

:lol: I remember that song, mostly because of that Friends episode, and because of Shrek, tbh I don't think I even know the whole song, just bits of the chorus. And now I'm going to have that song stuck in my head the rest of the night...where it's going to be competing with the Pokemon theme song(now there's a weird combination). :D

absynthe1972: That painting is beautiful, amazing job!!
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby Evelien » Sat Jan 19, 2013 3:39 am

I looooove the painting absynthe!! Beginner?! Doesn't look like it!
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby Kirahfaye » Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:26 am

absynthe1972 wrote:Image

I finished my second painting. It's acrylic on canvas. I suppose it's all right. I'm giving it to the dolls for their living area. They like artwork and I suppose that my paintings are "artwork" (sort of). Not bad for a beginner, eh? I should stop by the hobby shop and get a pad of paper that I can paint on. Even these mini canvases are a bit expensive at $5 a pop. If I get a pad of paper large enough, I could paint different backgrounds. I'd reopen my etsy shop but I don't think that anyone would be interested in buying my rather abstract scenery.

Nonono!!! That is a very good painting! Wow. I'm impressed that it's just your second. I haven't painted in eons - was more of a drawer anyway. I really like it though! Great job!
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby Kirahfaye » Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:29 am

Oh and my randomness for the day - my daughter is on her way to Florida to visit friends. Finally. Third time's a charm as they say. This is the first time (other than a trip with her dad to visit his mom) that she's been away from me for more than a couple days. She used to call us up about 11pm from the neighbor's house and ask us to come get her - she didn't want to stay for the sleep over ...

Where did my little girl go? :cry:
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